- The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow. 小女孩把饰带打成个蝴蝶结。
- Why don't you tie the ribbon in a bow? 你为何不在那个缎带上系一个蝴蝶结呢?
- He tacked the ribbon onto the hat. 他在帽子上缝了一条饰带。
- The wolf begins to circle the boy. 狼开始围绕这个男孩。
- You can use keyboard shortcuts with the Ribbon. 可以对功能区使用键盘快捷方式。
- Why do not you tie the ribbon in a bow ? 你为何不在那个缎带上系一个蝴蝶结呢?
- IV. Listen and circle the sentences you hear. 听老师念,圈出你所听到的句子。
- Circle the knight which can capture the most pawns. 指出哪个马能吃的兵更多。
- The ribbon was used as a fringe for the dress. 丝带常用作衣服的小装饰。
- Circle the length of time of your English study. 圈选个人学习英语的时间长度。
- The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fibre. 来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的。
- Please circle the words of past tense. 请把过去式的单词圈出来。
- The space-craft will circle the moon twice. 宇宙飞船将环绕月球两次。
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。
- Borman and Lovell continued to circle the Earth. 博尔曼和洛弗尔继续环绕地球飞行。
- Listen again. Circle the names you hear. 再听一遍;圈出你听到的名字.
- She didn't care the ribbon slatting her face. 她根本没有感到飘带在拍打她的脸。
- Listen and circle the sentences you hear. 听一听,圈出你所听到的句子。
- Listen and circle the correct word. 听一听,圈出正确的单词。
- He cut the riBBon at the opening of the exhiBition. 他为展览会剪彩。