- adj. 清楚的;明确的;明白(某事)的;清晰的;清澈的;晴朗的;头脑清醒的
- v. 清空;清除;澄清;放晴;使明确
- adv. 清楚地;彻底地
- n. 空地
- 晴朗的,明亮的
- 清楚的,清澈的,无疑的,明白的,明了的,显然的,明显的,明确的,清晰(易懂)的
- 无障碍的,畅通的
- 透明的
- 头脑清醒的
- 清白的,无罪的
- 纯的
- 清理,清除,收拾,打扫
- 使明亮,使干净,使清澈
- 使清楚,使分明,使清醒,使明白易懂
- 移走,搬开,使…离开
- 开辟(道路等),开垦,开拓
- 证明无罪,洗刷…的嫌疑,为辩白
- 跳过,越过,绕过,通过
- 使获得批准
- 为(船或船货)结关(办好出港手续)
- <口>净得,净赚
- 处理(邮件、电话等);发送
- 偿清,清算
- 卖完,卖光
- (电报等),译解(密码等)
- 变明朗;变透明;变晴朗,转晴,放晴;变清楚,变清澈,变清晰
- 交换支票或其他票据,将过户
- 认可,准予,给
- 收拾餐桌
- 离去,消失,溜走
- (文件等)送审,报批;就…请示
- 结关(后离港),办妥出港手续
- 明白,清醒
- 清楚地,清晰地,明确地,明白地,明了地,显然地
- 不接触,不靠近
- 一直地(到远处)
- 避开,回避,躲避
- 完全地
- 超过
- 亮堂堂
- 【机】间隙,余隙,空隙
- 【建】中空体内部的尺寸
- 复位
- 空间
- 空地,开旷的地方
- 晴朗的,清澈的 without clouds; easy to see through
- 无疑的,确信的 undoubted; certain
- 清楚的,明白的 easy to see, hear or understand
- 畅通的,无阻的 with nothing in the way; empty
- 清晰地,清楚地 in a clear manner
- vt. 清除; 收走 remove; get rid of; what is unwanted or unwelcome
- vt. 使清楚,使明白 make or become clear
- vi. 晴朗起来 become bright; free from clouds
- vt. 证明无罪 show or declare that sb is not guilty
the state of being free of suspicion;
"investigation showed that he was in the clear"
a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water;
"finally broke out of the forest into the open"
readily apparent to the mind;
"a clear and present danger"
"a clear explanation"
"a clear case of murder"
"a clear indication that she was angry"
"gave us a clear idea of human nature"
free from confusion or doubt;
"a complex problem requiring a clear head"
"not clear about what is expected of us"
affording free passage or view;
"a clear view"
"a clear path to victory"
"open waters"
"the open countryside"
allowing light to pass through;
"clear water"
"clear plastic bags"
"clear glass"
"the air is clear and clean"
free from contact or proximity or connection;
"we were clear of the danger"
"the ship was clear of the reef"
characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt);
"a clear conscience"
"regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes"
(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;
"efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"
"clear laughter like a waterfall"
"clear reds and blues"
"a light lilting voice like a silver bell"
(especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law;
"I have clear title to this property"
clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible;
"as clear as a whistle"
"clear footprints in the snow"
"the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"
"a spire clean-cut against the sky"
"a clear-cut pattern"
accurately stated or described;
"a set of well-defined values"
free from clouds or mist or haze;
"on a clear day"
free of restrictions or qualifications;
"a clean bill of health"
"a clear winner"
free from flaw or blemish or impurity;
"a clear perfect diamond"
"the clear complexion of a healthy young woman"
clear of charges or deductions;
"a clear profit"
easily deciphered
freed from any question of guilt;
"is absolved from all blame"
"was now clear of the charge of cowardice"
"his official honor is vindicated"
characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving;
"clear mind"
"a percipient author"
"read the book clear to the end"
"slept clear through the night"
"there were open fields clear to the horizon"
in an easily perceptible manner;
"could be seen clearly under the microscope"
"She cried loud and clear"
rid of obstructions;
"Clear your desk"
make a way or path by removing objects;
"Clear a path through the dense forest"
become clear;
"The sky cleared after the storm"
grant authorization or clearance for;
"Clear the manuscript for publication"
"The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"
"clear the leaves from the lawn"
"Clear snow from the road"
go unchallenged; be approved;
"The bill cleared the House"
be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts;
"The check will clear within 2 business days"
go away or disappear;
"The fog cleared in the afternoon"
pass by, over, or under without making contact;
"the balloon cleared the tree tops"
make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear;
"Could you clarify these remarks?"
"Clear up the question of who is at fault"
free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment;
"Clear the ship and let it dock"
clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.;
"clear the water before it can be drunk"
yield as a net profit;
"This sale netted me $1 million"
make as a net profit;
"The company cleared $1 million"
earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;
"How much do you make a month in your new job?"
"She earns a lot in her new job"
"this merger brought in lots of money"
"He clears $5,000 each month"
"We cleared a lot of the old model cars"
pass an inspection or receive authorization;
"clear customs"
pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;
"The suspect was cleared of the murder charges"
settle, as of a debt;
"clear a debt"
"solve an old debt"
make clear, bright, light, or translucent;
"The water had to be cleared through filtering"
rid of instructions or data;
"clear a memory buffer"
remove (people) from a building;
"clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat"
remove the occupants of;
"Clear the building"
free (the throat) by making a rasping sound;
"Clear the throat"
- I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal.
我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。 - You are a boss, as is clear from your manner.
你是一个老板,从你的举止就能很清楚地看出来。 - There is a clear division of labor in ants.
蚂蚁间有明确的分工。 - His height gives him a clear advantage.
他的身高使他具有明显的优势。 - The guidance of clear aim and working hard can lead to success.
成功需要有明确的目标引导和辛勤的工作。 - I'm still not clear what the job involves.
我仍然不明白这项工作包括哪些内容。 - I am not clear about the reason why you want to go.
我不明白你为何要去的理由。 - The copy is blurred, it is not very clear.
这个复制件被弄模糊了,不太清晰。 - The water here is shallow and clear.
这里的水又浅又清。 - Like the sky, I feel my heart is becoming clear.
像这片天空一样,我感到我的心灵也澄清了。 - Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。 - It is only at night when she lies in bed that she feels she has a clear mind.
- The ground should first be cleared of weeds.
这块地上的杂草应该先除干净。 - He cleared a space on his desk for a cup of coffee.
他在书桌上腾出了一点儿地方用来放一杯咖啡。 - If you don't want to see the introductory pages again after reading the introduction, you can clear the check box.
如果阅读简介之后不想再次查看引导页,可以清除该复选框。 - In that case you'll have to clear yourself.
那样,你只得自行辩白了。 - As far as I can see, the weather is not likely to clear up within a few days.
据我看,几天内不大会放晴。 - The government should clear up the question of responsibility.
- He tried hard to speak loud and clear on that occasion.
他竭力想让自己在这种场合说话响亮清楚些。 - She read the book clear to the end within two hours.
- clear about
对…清楚,对…明白 without doubt, confusion or difficulty
- clear from
不含 not including
- clear of
摆脱 free from sth undesirable
- clear to
对…清楚 evident; obvious; definite
- clear of
不阻碍,不接触 out of the way of sth; no longer near or touching sth
- clear away (v.+adv.)
收拾餐桌,拿走 remove the dishes, food, and other remains of a meal; take away sth
clear awayThe clouds cleared away.
When the match was over the crowd cleared away quickly.
clear away from sthThe football match came to an end, and the crowd soon cleared away from the ground.
clear awayWhen he read the letter, his doubts cleared away.
clear sb/sth ⇔ awayThe police cleared the crowd away.
We are making further attempts at clearing away all obstacles on the road of advance.
His statement cleared away some misapprehension.
clear awayMother always clears away quickly when we have finished eating.
clear sth ⇔ awayClear away the dishes as soon as you finish eating.
Mother cleared the dirty dishes away when we had finished eating.
I'll clear these dishes away; then we'll be able to work at the table.
The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.
Clear away your toys now, children!
After the bowls and dishes were cleared away , the children sat at the table, playing with building blocks.
The rubbish must be cleared away.
- clear from (v.+prep.)
清除 take away sth, get rid of sth
clear sth from sthThey cleared the dishes from the table.
He cleared all the stones from the yard.
Our job is to clear the snow from the road.
- clear of (v.+prep.)
设法忘记 clear one's mind of
- clear off (v.+adv.)
完成 finish sth
clear offThe sky looks as if it would clear off soon.
In the afternoon, the mist cleared off and the rest of the day was fine.
clear offI'm busy; clear off as fast as you can!
The unruly youths soon cleared off when they saw the policeman coming.
When the police appeared, the thieves cleared off.
clear sb/sth ⇔ offGo into the field and clear those boys off.
You may put your books on the shelf when you have cleared it off.
We must clear off such prejudices and superstitions among ourselves.
clear sth ⇔ offPlease clear off the dinner things and then you can watch television.
clear sth ⇔ offHe has at last cleared off all his debts.
I hope to clear off my mortgage in a few months' time.
clear sth ⇔ offThe shop decided to clear off the summer clothes when the new winter fashions arrived.
clear sth ⇔ offI'd like to clear off the rest of the work which was waiting for me after my holiday.
- clear out (v.+adv.)
离家 leave home
clear sth ⇔ outThey are busy clearing out the drains.
It's about time we cleared out the attic; it's full of junk.
I'll clear out that closet and then you can hang your clothes there.
He cleared out his desk before he was moved to another class.
There will be plenty of room in that cupboard when it is cleared out.
clear sth ⇔ outThe thieves cleared out the store.
clear sb ⇔ outThe boys have cleared me out.
Ill health seems to have cleared Sarah out.
He was cleared out in the poker game.
clear outClear out! And don't come back!
He finally told his mother-in-law to clear out and let them live their own lives.
clear sb ⇔ outThe reactionary police cleared out the pickets by force.
clear sb out of sthThe police cleared all the people out of the hotel after the bomb threat.
They have cleared all the tenants out of those houses.
clear outI'm fed up with being told what I can do and what I can't do; I'm clearing out. Goodbye!
- clear up (v.+adv.)
解释,消除 find an answer to sth
clear upShall we clear up before we go out?
clear sth ⇔ upLet me clear up the thing on the table.
Please clear up the litter before you leave the office.
I hope you don't expect us to clear up that mess you are making.
You can't go home until your classroom has been cleared up.
clear upThis skin disease will clear up in a day or two.
clear sth ⇔ upDoctor Lin gave some pills to clear up my stomach trouble.
The pills cleared up his stomach trouble.
clear sth ⇔ upI'd like to clear up the rest of the work which was waiting for me after my holiday.
The matter has been cleared up.
clear upThe weather cleared up.
Although it is still raining, it looks as though it might clear up.
They're lucky that the weather has cleared up in time for the tennis match.
clear sth ⇔ upThat murder was a mystery for a long time, but a clever detective cleared it up.
She cleared up the fact.
All it needed was a little explanation to clear up the misunderstanding.
We need an expert to clear up this theoretical problem.
Maybe we can clear up your problem.
Then the question had better be cleared up at once.
Now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, we can get back to work.
- clear with (v.+prep.)
使获得批准,通过 cause to obtain official approval of sth/sb from sb in power
clear sth with sbHas the parcel been cleared with the border police yet?
- clear blue 净蓝
- clear brow 安详的神情
- clear concise answer 简明的回答
- clear conscience 问心无愧
- clear crystal 明净的水晶
- clear day 晴天
- clear eyes 明亮的眼睛
- clear glass 明净的玻璃
- clear head 清醒的头脑
- clear light 明亮的灯光
- clear line of demarcation 清楚的界限
- clear mind 清楚的头脑
- clear night 晴夜
- clear outline 清楚的轮廓
- clear photograph 清晰的照片
- clear profit 净利
- clear red 净红
- clear road 畅通的道路
- clear ship 空船
- clear skin 光洁的皮肤
- clear sky 晴空
- clear sound 清晰的声音
- clear tea 清茶
- clear victory 彻底胜利
- clear view of the sea 一览无余的海景
- clear voice 清脆的嗓音
- clear water 清澈的水
- quite clear 十分清白
- beautifully clear 清澈,透明
- fairly clear 十分明白
- sufficiently clear 足够清楚
- clear about 对…清楚
- clear from 从…显露
- clear in one's speech 谈吐清楚
- clear of a crime 清白无罪
- clear of sb 躲开某人
- clear of the customs 通过海关检查
- clear of the debt 偿清债务
- clear of the gate 避开大门
- clear of the man 避开那人
- clear of traffic 畅通无阻
- clear of worry 无忧无虑
- clear to sb 对某人来说是清楚的
- clear a desk 清理书桌
- clear a particular sum of money 净赚一笔钱
- clear a passage 清理通道
- clear a road 清理道路
- clear a surface 清除表面上的脏东西
- clear doubts 消除心头上的疑虑
- clear expenses 挣足够的钱以供支出
- clear ground 砍伐树木,开垦土地
- clear one's fame 洗清某人的名誉
- clear one's head 清醒头脑
- clear one's meaning 说明本意
- clear one's mind of doubt 清除心中的疑团
- clear one's winter inventories 售清冬天存货
- clear skin 清洗皮肤
- clear snow 清除街上的积雪
- clear the air 使空气清洁,消除误解
- clear the decks 准备作战,准备行动
- clear the obstacles 清除障碍
- clear the room 打扫房间
- clear the streets of snow 清除街上的积雪
- clear the table 把桌上的东西收拾掉
- clear water 使水变清
- clear weeds 清除杂草
- clear entirely 完全地清除
- clear gradually 慢慢地清除
- clear away 拿去,收去
- clear away the tea-things 把茶具收去
- clear off 除去,清除,结束
- clear off a debt 清偿债务
- clear up 清理,整理
- clear up the desk 把桌子整理一下
- clear up the room 清理房间
- clear sb of a charge 证明某人无罪
Cleare as the sunne.
出自:Bible (AV): Song of Solomon -
The clearest azure.
出自: J. B. Priestley -
The blackest sin is clear'd with absolution.
出自:Rape of Lucrece , Shakespeare -
Now clear I understand.
出自: Milton -
To make Jeff Campbell see much clearer.
出自: G. Stein