- Landscape Spatial Pattern of Typical Silty Coastal Zone in Bohai Bay. 渤海湾淤泥质海岸带典型地区景观空间格局分析。
- The extent of state authority to restrict OCS oil development through coastal zone planning is also unclear. 州的权力机关可以在多大程度上通过沿海区域规划限制外大陆架的石油开发也不明确。
- Studies on strategic environmental assessment for sustainable development in coastal zone. 以海岸带可持续发展为目标的战略环境评价。
- Dongnuanxialiang coastal zone with the oceanic climate, the rain more often turmoil. 沿海地带具有冬暖夏凉的海洋性气候,阴雨较多,常有风暴。
- But separate copier, printer, fax machine and color scanner take large room in office, and you also waste a lot of time and energy rushing between different machines. 但是单独的复印机、打印机、传真机和彩色扫描仪却占据了大量的办公空间,同时奔波于不同机器之间也让您浪费了大量的时间和精力。
- Oil industry supporters may attack a state coastal zone program by showing an impermissible burden on interstate commerce. 石油工业的支持者们可能会证明某个州的沿海区域规划对州商贸交往造成了不允许有的负担,以此来攻击该规划。
- Related to federal action under OCSLA, there has been extended controversy over the requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Act. 《外大陆架土地法案》管理下的联合行动与《海岸地区管理条例》的规定是不相符的。
- Surveys on the Fujian Coastal Zone: Geology-geomrphlogy, Hydrology, Envi- romental Protection, Chemisty, plank- ton, Benthos, Primary Productivity. 福建省海岸带地质地貌、水文、水化、环保、浮游生物、底栖生物、生产力调查。
- It holds advanced electric color scanner, rapid sample-testing machines from Taiwan, Korean alkali decreasing machines and design-finalizing machines, with dyeing technology controlled by computers. 拥有先进的电脑分色测色机、台湾瑞比试样机、韩国产减量机和定型机,染色工艺全部采用电脑集控。
- With the above approach, methodologies for assessing the healthiness of coastal zone ecosystem are studies in this thesis. 初步探讨了海岸带生态系统健康评价方法。
- In coastal zone, the mechanism of pollutant motion is different from that of pure currentcase due to wave breaking and wave-driven longshore currents. 在海岸区域,由于波浪随水深变浅导致波浪破碎及其产生的沿岸流使得近海排放的污染物的运动规律将不同于不考虑波浪的纯水流情况。
- With unique environmental structure and various natural resources, coastal zone has become an area where society and economy develop concentratively. 海岸带地区独特的资源环境优势,使其成为社会与经济集中发展的区域。
- Geological characteristics of the coastal zone north and south of the Chouchui Shi River, western Taiwan (Q. L. Lee, Master thesis, 2006). 台湾西部浊水溪河口南北两岸的海岸带之地质特徵(李昆霖、硕士论文、民国95年)。
- Research and marine management continues, following an eight year study by IUCN specialists under the Coastal Zone Management Project. 鲸鱼、海豚及海龟的猎杀(包括海龟蛋的捡拾),在阿曼是被立法禁止的。
- The Organizer reserves the right to amend zoning color without giving any prior notice to exhibitors. 大會保留更改各展區顏色的權利,而不須預先通知有關參展商。
- About UsGRA landscape plan art design limited based in beautiful gold coast zone California USA. 我们希望用双手和智慧创造出更广阔的具有生命含义的“绿色”空间。
- Abstract: There are 14 species and varieties of anil plants in the coast zone of Shandong Province. 摘 要: 山东省海岸带有木兰科、木兰属植物14种和变种。
- Copying, printing, color scanning and faxing with powerful engine to offer you unparalleled new office experience. 复印、打印、彩色扫描、传真,劲擎动力,非凡的办公新体验。
- Hazard system of Quanzhou coastal zone was complicated,dynamic and huge.The disasters were asymmetrical,multiple,different,random,saltatory,slow,recurrent and inconsecutive. 泉州海岸带灾害系统是一个复杂的动态巨系统,各种灾害表现出不均匀性、多样性、差异性、随机性、突变性、迟缓性、重现性以及无序性等复杂性的特点。
- Combination of copying, printing and color scanning, the best substitute of unifunctional printer. 复印、打印、彩色扫描三位一体,是替代单功能打印机的最佳选择。