- She flung on her coat and ran to the bus-stop. 她匆匆穿上大衣就向公共汽车站跑去。
- He threw off his coat and sat down. 他急忙脱去衣服,坐了下来。
- He slipped into his coat and went out. 他迅速穿好上衣,出去了。
- In lieu of carrying an umbrella, I wore a waterproof coat and cap. 我穿一件雨衣,戴一顶雨帽,就不用带雨伞了。
- Take my silk handkerchief and wrap your throat up . 拿我的丝手帕把你的脖子缠上。
- I have take my coat and umbrella in anticipation of rain. 我估计有雨,所以带著外套和伞。
- Take my silk handkerchief and wrap your throat up. 拿我的丝手帕把你的脖子缠上。
- Make a dumpling. And wrap up happiness and luck. 包个饺子,包上幸福快乐、如意吉祥。
- Take my silk handherchief and wrap your throat up. 拿我的丝手帕把你的脖子缠上。
- Take this blanket and wrap yourself in it. 这条毯子拿去裹着身体吧。
- He put on his coat and headed for the door. 他穿上大衣向门口走去。
- Silkworms spin silk and wrap themselves in cocoons. 蚕吐丝并把自己包在茧里。
- He slipped on his coat and went out. 他匆匆穿上大衣,走了出去。
- He pulled off his coat and started to weed with us. 他脱去上装,开始和我们一起除草。
- She divested herself of her coat and sat down. 她脱去外套并坐下来。
- The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip. 钉子穿透她的上衣,留下一块难看的破绽。
- Gel Refrigerants are available in block and wrap form. 凝胶致冷剂有块状与包装状。
- She slipped into her Sunday coat and went out . 她穿上她的好衣服出去了。
- Then put on your coat and run along now. 那么穿上衣服快走吧。
- He pulled on his coat and left quickly. 他穿上大衣迅速离开了。