- The color fastness to crocking of the four kinds of dyes was good. 5.;各类染料染色的摩擦牢度均很好。
- This type of thread confers the bright color and lustre, perfect color fastness to washing and light, without AZO dyes. 经过染色工艺的不断改进,使得该线具有光泽度高、日晒牢度高和皂洗牢度高的特点,不含偶氮。
- The dyeings featured good color yield as well as levelness and color fastness to sunlight. 同时,其耐盐碱溶解稳定性亦良好,上色温和,匀染性好,耐晒牢度优良。
- All sample fall in color fastness to water ,nylon staining of both piping retest on the fallure point. 所有样版对湿水的色牢度不过关;沾色于尼龙上;两个滚边要就不过关的地方重新测试.
- Result proves that the method has such advantages as slight color variation, good color fastness, significant improvement of color fastness to water and light. 采用单板染色后涂刷壳聚糖的方法,固色效果优异,单板本身变色小,能显著地提高染色单板的耐水和耐光稳定性。
- The variety of auxiliaries and their application performance to improve the color fastness to wet crocking are put forward. 给出提高湿摩擦牢度的相应措施,以及提高湿摩擦牢度的助剂。
- The color fastness to rubbing and washing of Vat Yellow G dyed polyester fabrics was compared with cotton having similar K/S value. 结果表明,还原黄G可用于涤纶染色,采用热溶法染色比采用高温高压染色所得K/S值高,匀染性好;
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The influence of diffusibility of disperse dyes on color fastness to ironing,soaping and rubbing of both ordinary and superfine polyester fibers was studied by color measurement. 采用测色的方法,研究了常规涤纶纤维和超细涤纶纤维织物上分散染料的扩散性能、耐熨烫牢度、耐皂洗牢度及摩擦牢度的关系。
- Results proved that ultrasonic wave was benefit for fiber swelling,scale opening and dyestuff dissolving,therefore,color fastness to rubbing and soaping... 试验证明,超声波羊毛染色可提高织物的耐摩擦牢度和皂洗牢度,且有利于羊毛纤维膨化、打开鳞片层,以及染料的充分溶解。
- The influence of diffusibility of disperse dyes on color fastness to ironing, soaping and rubbing of both ordinary and superfine polyester fibers was studied by color measurement. 摘要采用测色的方法,研究了常规涤纶纤维和超细涤纶纤维织物上分散染料的扩散性能、耐熨烫牢度、耐皂洗牢度及摩擦牢度的关系。
- The motel business went to pot when the new highway was built. 这条新公路建成后,汽车旅馆的生意冷落了下来。
- In this article, different test methods of the color fastness to hypochlorite bleaching were compared and some requirements to textiles and apparels were summed up. 通过比较国内外耐次氯酸盐漂白色牢度的测试方法,阐述国外产品标准中对漂白色牢度的考核要求,并对我国有关标准提出增加耐氯漂色牢度考核的修改建议。
- This paper reported the development of the new type textiles for color fastness to artificial light tester, introduced the principle, designing structure and technique characteristics. 阐述新型纺织品日晒色牢度测试仪的研究和制造,介绍纺织品日晒色牢度仪的测试原理、结构设计、技术特征。
- Results from trials and bulks show that the new agent impart better chlorine and wet fastness, while exerts little effects on hue, absorbency as well as color fastness to sunlight. 通过优化工艺条件,经试验和大生产应用 表明,固色剂CF-C能提升活性染料染色织物的耐氯牢度和湿牢度,效果良好,且对染色织物的色光、吸水性 和日晒牢度等均无不良影响。
- The British Empire is going to pot. 大英帝国快要完蛋了。
- He stuck hard and fast to his principles. 他坚定不移地坚持自己的准则。
- Compared with the conventional steam cure,micro wave radiation strengthens the color fastness to crocking of silk paint printing and saves lots of energy. Meanwhile there exists non heat effect. 实验表明,与常规蒸汽焙烘工艺相比,人丝织物涂料印花采用微波辐射处理可提高其摩擦牢度,节能效果显著,同时也存在明显的非热效应
- My camellia plant has gone to pot. 我的山茶花已经枯萎了。
- The company went to pot at last. 这家公司终于破产了。