- He is a colossus with feet of clay. 他是一个泥足的巨人.
- Just as Lenin considered imperialism a "colossus with feet of clay", so Comrade Mao Tse-tung regards imperialism and all reactionaries as paper tigers; Both have dealt with the essence of the matter. 同列宁把帝国主义看做“泥足巨人”一样,毛泽东把帝国主义和一切反动派看做纸老虎,都是从它们的本质说的。
- The president had feet of clay: he drank a lot. 总裁有个致命的弱点:他好喝酒。
- I believed him to be honest but his actions showed that he had feet of clay. 我原以为他是个诚实的人,然而他的举动却显示出他有不为人知的缺点。
- Eric is sad because his idol has feet of clay. 埃里克心里很难受,因为他崇拜的偶像竟是泥足巨人。
- The president has feet of clay: he drink a lot. 总裁有个致命的弱点:他好喝酒。
- The president had feet of clay - he drank a lot. 总裁有个致命的弱点:他好喝酒。
- Industry giant Toyota continues to show feet of clay. 行业巨头丰田继续表现出脚粘土。
- Why don't you directly refute his thesis that our government is a colossue with feet or clay? 你为何不直接驳斥他说我们政府是泥足巨人的论点呢?
- All human beings have feet of clay, no one is perfect. 所有的人都有脚上泥。
- He was disappointed to find that even Lincoln had feet of clay. 他失望地发现原来林肯也有缺点。
- He was disillusioned to find that all the heroes of his youth had feet of clay. 他发现年轻时所崇拜的人物都有缺点,这令他大失所望。
- The artist started with a big lump of clay. 艺术家用一大块黏土开始雕塑。
- And you ran with feet of clay 你带着脚上的泥土上路
- In the first days of the invasion,the defending army gave the appearance of having feet of clay. 入侵开始后不久,守军就显出致命的弱点。
- When the coach was arrested for drunken driving, the students realized that their hero had feet of clay. 当教练酒后驾驶被拘留,学生们才意识到他们心目中的英雄也有致命的弱点。
- In the first days of the invasion, the defending army gave the appearance of having feet of clay. 入侵开始后不久,守军就显出致命的弱点。
- Why are people always surprised when they discover that their heroes have feet of clay? 为什么人们发现他们心目中的英雄也有弱点时总是那么吃惊呢?
- What happens if a Nullifier targets a Colossus with the Anti-Gravity ability? 如果用一个巨像被废弃者放风筝,会发生什么情况?
- I discovered that my favourite uncle had feet of clay: he had stolen money from my father. 我发现我最喜爱的叔叔也有不可告人之处,他从我父亲那儿偷过钱。