- Little girl A:use to comb hair hair. 小女孩A:用来梳头发的。
- Bring a comb, charged by combing hair, near to a tap in the dark. 把梳过头而带电的梳子靠近黑暗处的电线接头。
- Do not manicure nails, pick your teeth, nose, comb hair or chat idly while in the public area. 不要在公共区域修指甲,挑牙齿,鼻子,梳头,以及闲聊。
- If the narration is true,Chinese began to comb hair from the ancient times,about 4600 years ago. 如果属实,那中国人梳头的历史,应该早在4600年前的上古时期就开始了。
- After wiping the hair with towel, comb with wide tine first comb hair tip clear and coherent, begin to be combed downward all the time from scalp next. 用毛巾将头发擦干之后,先用宽齿梳将发梢梳理通顺,然后从头皮开始一直往下梳理。
- comb hair; arrange in proper order 梳理
- As the Pomeranian abundant hair, it takes two carefully combing hair, washing, twice a week to suitable. 由于博美犬的被毛丰厚,故两层被毛需细心梳理、洗涤,每周以两次为宜。
- Avoid manicuring nails, picking tooth, nose, combing hair and attending to other personal matters within public area (Don't spit anywhere). 在公共区域避免修指甲,剔牙齿、挖鼻子,梳头发和做其他私人事情。(不要随地乱吐)
- Let me fix my hair (ie brush and comb it) and I'll be ready. 我梳梳头,马上就好。
- She swept her hair back with a comb. 她用梳子将头发往后梳。
- Egret goddess figure of beautiful, Xianjing to Guizuo in a rock, combing hair, shoulders also parked a little egret, many visitors stop all in this photo opportunity. 白鹭女神身姿优美、娴静地跪坐在一块巨岩上,梳理长发,肩上还停着一只小白鹭,许多游人无不在此驻足拍照留念。
- Don't forget to comb your hair before you go out! 不要忘记临出门梳梳头!
- She wore a small comb as an ornament. 她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
- She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. 她把头发用围巾包起来。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。
- I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. 我修面,刷牙,梳头。
- I will comb those knots out of my hair. 我要把头发上的那些结子梳理顺。