- The government is trying to wipe out drug trafficking. 政府竭力清除毒品买卖活动。
- SAARC Year for Combating Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking; 南盟打击滥用毒品及贩毒年;
- The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic. 两国达成协议控制毒品走私。
- You suspected of drug trafficking! 你涉嫌贩毒!
- A presidentialtask force to fight drug trafficking. 一个专门打击贩毒的总统特别工作组。
- The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. 政府正在采取措施,打击滥用麻醉药品。
- The police always fight against drug trafficking. 警察总是会与毒品走私做斗争。
- Drug trafficking goes hand in glove with other sorts of crime. 贩毒常同其他各种犯罪联系在一起。
- Drug traffic is controlled by the underworld. 毒品生意为黑社会所控制。
- What is the UN doing to fight illicit drug trafficking? 联合国在打击非法贩毒方面正在做些什么?
- They are bold to do drug traffic on city streets. 他们很大胆,在大街上非法进行的毒品交易。
- Police successfully cut down the drug traffic. 警察成功切断了毒品交易的往来。
- The travel company is just a front for drug trafficking. 这家旅行社不过是毒品交易的掩护场所。
- His decision to give up drug trafficking is judicious. 他决定放弃毒品交易是十分明智的。
- Persons involved in organized international drug trafficking. 参与有组织的国际贩毒活动的。
- He is involved a group of people engaged in drug trafficking. 他与从事贩毒人员有来往。
- However, the Columbian president strongly defended the plan which would give US forces access to 7 military bases said it was needed to combat drug traffickers. 参考翻译:然而,哥伦比亚总统为允许美军使用7个军事基地的计划强烈辩护。他说,这是为了打击毒品走私者。
- Drug trafficking is prohibited in most countries in the world. 贩卖毒品在世界上大多数国家都是严令禁止的。
- The organization was used as a front for drug trafficking. 该组织被用作毒品贩运的幌子。
- The two nations make a compact to control drug traffic. 两国达成协议控制毒品走私。