- A cloud is a condensation of water vapour. 云是由水蒸汽凝缩而成的。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
- Our manager has a mind prodigal of ideas. 我们经理的脑子里点子很多。
- He has a mind prodigal of ideas. 他足智多谋。
- A lot of ideas are feeding back from applied science into the pure sciences. 许多从应用科学反馈来的想法影响着理论科学的发展。
- A cloud is a condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere. 云是由大气中的水蒸气凝结成的。
- We all believe that he is a man of ideas. 我们都认为他是个足智多谋的人。
- The condensation of D is a directed graph with m vertices. D的凝聚图是指一个有m个顶点的有向图。
- I used to have a lot of ideas when I was a kid. 我小时候常常喜欢胡思乱想。
- The dropwise condensation of steam is realized on these films. 滴状冷凝初始液滴形成机理一直是悬而未决的问题。
- In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use. 在专利局,我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。
- The representation of ideas by graphic symbols. 表意文字(或符号)系例用图像符号解释概念的方法
- I am a little short of ideas at present. 我现在几乎快想出一些点子了。
- And worse,it choked off the free flow of ideas. 更糟糕的是,它扼杀了观念的自由传播。
- Assimilation of ideas or information;understanding. 领悟将意见或信息同化吸收;理解
- The report is a brilliant condensation of several years' work. 这报告是几年工作的精华。
- The article was crammed full of ideas. 这篇文章包含着许多想法。
- The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas. 这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。
- Let me float a couple of ideas . 让我来谈两三点意见仅供参考。
- A pump without pistons that operates by means of pulsed condensation of steam. 气压泵一种通过搏动的压缩蒸汽操作的没有活塞的泵