- Preferential Income tax treatment to high-tech enterprises. 高科技企业的优惠所得税待遇
- It’s possible that plutocrats are expressing solidarity with the struggling middle class as part of an effort to insulate themselves from confiscatory tax policies. 有钱有势的人与苦苦挣扎的中产阶级 表示团结 以使他们 远离 没收性的税收政策。
- Preferential Income tax treatment to enterprises transferring technologies. 技术转让企业优惠所得税待遇
- Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment. 税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入。
- What is the tax treatment in relation to home loan interest deduction? 有关居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?
- Oesterle, Nutshell. "Federal Tax Treatment of Mergers, Acquisitions, and Reorganizations." Chap. 8. 《企业并购入门》第八章《并购与重整之联邦税务措施》。
- Cooperatives are allowed special tax treatment, if they chose to follow certain rules. 如果合作社运营遵循一定规定,则允许享受特殊税收待遇。
- What is the tax treatment for the couple in relation to home loan interest deduction? 就该对夫妇的居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?
- What would be the tax treatment for the home loan interest deduction under personal assessment? 在以个人入息课税方式评税下有关居所贷款利息扣除在税务上怎样处理?
- There is also a difference b/w IFRS and the local tax treatment on depreciation. 另外,在关于折旧的税务上,IFRS与当地税法也有不同。
- Selling the policies is fraught with risks relating to transparency, tax treatment and insurance fraud. 保单出售大量伴随着信息透明化,税收待遇和骗保风险。
- The tax treatment of the shares allocated to the employees is the same as that of the shares allocated under the Basic Offer. 就获分派的股份而言,裁决与基本认购的一样。
- The special tax treatment is different from the general tax exemption and reduction, in fact, it just defer the time for EIT payment. 根本而言,特殊性税务重组不同与一般的减免税优惠,而是将纳税时间递延到相关资产转让时,故从本质而言属于暂缓缴纳企业所得税。
- The traditional partnership enjoys the conduit tax treatment, however, each partner is under the high risk of unlimited personal liability for the debts of the business. 传统的合伙在税收上享受“直流纳税”待遇,但每个合伙人都要对合伙债务承担个人责任,风险较大。
- The DPJ has promised to eliminate a preferential tax treatment for stay-at-home wives, and to consider allowing married women to keep their maiden names. 日本民主党曾承诺,将取消对全职太太的优惠税收待遇,并考虑让已婚妇女保留婚前姓氏。
- It encourages overconsumption of medical services twiceover, first because the link between the consumer and the cost isbroken, and second because the tax treatment is a subsidy.. 这促成双重的医疗服务过度消费;一是因为消费者与开支之间的链接断裂,第二是因为付税待遇成了一种补贴
- It is considering things like bigger family allowances, more favourable tax treatment of families and many more nursery places to shorten the long waiting lists. 该小组正在考虑类似大型家庭补助、对家庭有利的税种、建造更多托儿所减少等候入托家庭等等措施。
- Last, the special tax treatment is optional other than mandatory tax treatments. 最后,特殊性重组是可选而非强制的税务处理方式。
- Lump Sum Distribution A one time payment for the entire amount due, rather than breaking payments into smaller installments. Some lump-sum distributions receive special tax treatment. 一次总付分配一次性支付到期的金额,而不是将付款分为金额较小的分期付款。部分一次性付款可获得特殊税务待遇。
- He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。