- copyright protection period 著作权有效期
- As the court has said in previous cases, copyright protection was designed to entice people to create original works by giving them a limited period to reap all of the benefits. 正如法官在先前案例中所说的,著作权保护是通过给予人们一段有限的时间获取相关的利益,以鼓励人们创作出更加有用的作品。
- As the court has said in previous cases, copyright protection was designed to entice people to create original works by giving them a limited period to reap all of the benefits and dictate how their creations are used. 正如法官在先前案例中所说的,著作权保护是通过给予人们一段有限的时间获取相关的利益,以鼓励人们创作出更加有用的作品,并引导人们如何使用他们的作品。
- The law contains detailed regulations concerning copyright protection. 法案还包括了版权保护的其他细节规定。
- As the court has said in previous cases,copyright protection was designed to entice people to create original works by giving them a limited period to reap all of the benefits and dictate how their creations are used. 正如法官在先前案例中所说的,著作权保护是通过给予人们一段有限的时间获取相关的利益,以鼓励人们创作出更加有用的作品,并引导人们如何使用他们的作品。
- In the end, copyright protection is sorely needed if creators are ever to capitalize on their work. 最终,当创作者想不断利用他们的作品时,著作权保护就变得非常重要。
- In the end,copyright protection is sorely needed if creators are ever to capitalize on their work. 最终,当创作者想不断利用他们的作品时,著作权保护就变得非常重要。
- But if they want,they can waive copyright protection (as many have done by offering free downloads of music). 但是如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护(正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样)。
- B thin film anti-rust oil effectively prevent ferrous to rust, protection period retain about 6 months. 薄层防锈油,有效防止黑色金属材料的生锈问题,防锈期可达6个月以上。
- To exchange information concerning the trend on legislation for copyright protection in each country. 交换各国的保护著作权立法动向等的相关信息。
- R.C.. However, the lengthening period shall not exceed the length of the protection period previously approved. 但是,每次延长的保护期限不得超过第一次批准的保护期限。
- China jointed two treaties of WIPO to improve the level of Internet Copyright Protection. 我国加入世界知识产权组织两个条约着力提升互联网版权保护水平。
- The technique of digital watermark is one of the valid methods for copyright protection. 数字水印技术是实现版权保护的有效办法之一。
- To obtain statutory copyright protection, materials must be published with the copyright notice. 要想获得成文法版权的保护,作品出版时必须有版权标志.
- Nowadays, domestic hemocoagulase preparation is hemocoagulase injection, which cannot be imitated for its protection period. 目前国内血凝酶制剂为注射用血凝酶,但因为保护期未到,无法仿制。
- But if they want, they can waive copyright protection as many have done by offering free downloads of music. 但是如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护,正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样。
- The results showed that the vacine is safe and has good efficacity, and the protection period of the vacine can reach 180 days at least. 证明该疫苗安全性好且效力优良,疫苗的免疫期至少可维持到180d。
- Copyright Office publications, "New Terms of Copyright Protection," says the following. 版权办公室的出版物“著作权保护的新期限”中这样写道.
- The bedlamite that copyright protects says: Somebody drank half cups freely! 版权保护的疯子说:有人免费喝了半杯!
- By testing the serum titers of vaccinated ducklings , It was demonstrated that the immune protection period for ducklings of this BAU-1 vaccine was more than 6 weeks. 通过对免疫雏鸭的血清抗体滴度进行测定,证实该BAU-1疫苗对雏鸭的免疫保护期在6周以上。