- Having the independent corporate capacity. (三)有独立的法人资格。
- CCRP Corporate Capacity Required Planning Visibility Logistic. 公司的能力管理系统。
- Colleges and Universities are public institutions with corporate capacity and the private party in the administrative management. 高等学校是具有法人资格的事业单位,是行政管理的相对人。
- The IOC,with a corporate capacity,is responsible to supervise the Olympic Movement and has a final say to many decisions made according to the Olympic Charter. 国际奥委会具有法人地位,按照《奥林匹克宪章》领导奥林匹克运动。它根据《奥林匹克宪章》作出的决定是最终决定。
- The IOC, with a corporate capacity, is responsible to supervise the Olympic Movement and has a final say to many decisions made according to the Olympic Charter. 国际奥委会具有法人地位,按照《奥林匹克宪章》领导奥林匹克运动。 它根据《奥林匹克宪章》作出的决定是最终决定。
- The titular collective enterprise does not satisfy the essential legal requirements for the set_up of a corporatian,so it does not have corporate capacity. 挂靠集体企业不具备法律规定的法人成立的必要条件,因而不具备法人资格。
- Our company is one to have independent corporate capacity comprehensiveness , the professionalization thing job cleaning enterprise. Own manage a team and advanced special field cleaning technology and special field equipment. 本公司是一家具有独立法人资格的综合性、专业化的物业保洁企业。拥有专业的管理队伍和先进的保洁技术及专业设备。
- In chinese it has no corporate capacity, but relevantly independent.Different branch organizations in different organizing forms have different disposing capacity in civil and commercial laws. 它在我国实体法上表现为不具有法人人格,并且不同组织形式的分支机构具有不同的民商事法律行为能力。
- Corporate Capacity Required Planning Visibility Logistic 公司能力要求计划编制成效后勤管理
- He is acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受托人身份行为。
- A hemorrhage of corporate earnings. 公司财产的巨额流失
- The lift has a capacity of 15 persons. 这部电梯的载容量为15 人。
- Genius is the capacity of evade hard work. 天才是避免苦干的能力。
- What's the cubic capacity of this engine? 这台发动机的立体容积是多少?
- She has an enormous capacity for hard work. 她有苦干的巨大能力。
- This company is concerned about its corporate image. 这家公司关心它自身的法人形象。
- The capacity to endure hardship or pain. 耐力忍受困难和痛苦的能力
- The capacity to respond to stimuli. 反应力对刺激的反应能力
- Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure. 支持不住在压力下屈服的能力或倾向