- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
- Tax fraud and evasion are serious matters. 税务欺诈和逃税属于情节严重的犯罪。
- Sound knowledge of Chinese corporate tax. 充分的中国行政税务方面的知识;
- Corporate tax base is very mobile. 企业税的税基具有非常高的流动性。
- Creating a 20% minimum corporate tax. 设立20%25这一最低公司税。
- Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring. 警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团.
- The money involved in this tax fraud is as much as 30 million yuan. 这起税案的涉案金额高达3千万。
- Lady, the God you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax fraud. 小姐,你的神正忙着应付逃税官司。
- By cooking his books Jim didn't pay any corporation tax at all last year. 吉米采用篡改帐目的方法,去年一年根本没交任何公司税。
- And source of REVENUE for Govt is Corporate TAXES. 政府预算的来源是公司税收。
- Taxation on wealth typically involves personal and corporate taxes. 财产税一般针对个人和公司的财产。
- We must severely crack down on tax evasion, tax fraud, money laundering, smuggling and other illegal and criminal activities. 严厉打击偷逃骗税、洗钱和走私等违法犯罪活动。
- Several small companies has gone to the wall since the government raised the rate corporation tax. 自从政府提高公司税率以来,已有好几家小公司倒闭了。
- Montoya said he is waging "a real war" on fiscal deficits, and has already taken several steps to reduce the widespread tax fraud in Argentina. 莫托亚称,他正在针对财政赤字发起“一场真正的战争”,而且已经为减少阿根廷国内普遍漏税的情况采取了一些措施。
- The charges relate to an alleged Income Tax scam in which syndicate members exploited the identities of unemployed taxpayers to commit tax fraud. 该案件涉及企业所得税的骗税行为,犯罪嫌疑团伙利用失业纳税人身份来做到偷逃企业所得税的目的。
- Prepare annual tax package submission to Corporate Tax in US - US Consolidated Tax Schedules and Reporting (US GAAP). 负责向公司税务提交年度税务报告-美国合并税务报表和财务报告(美国公认会计准则);
- Until now, Liechtenstein has cooperated only in the investigation of alleged tax fraud, which is a criminal offense domestically. 目前为止,列支敦士登只对涉嫌税务欺诈的调查予以配合,税务欺诈在该国属于刑事犯罪。
- Corporate Tax A levy placed on the profit of a firm; different rates are used for different levels of profits. 因应公司利润征收的税项,不同水平利润采用不同的税率。
- These changes might include such diverse activities as the reform of land tenure, corporate tax, credit, and banking structures. 这些变革可以包括土地使用权、公司税法、信贷和银行体制的改革。
- Wesley Snipes surrendered to authorities on tax fraud charges at an Orlando airport. He was indicted two months ago, and faces up to 16 years in prison if convicted. 因税务欺诈而被指控的韦斯利·斯利普斯,在奥兰多机场向当局投降。他是在两个月前被起诉的,如果罪名成立,将面临长达16个月的监禁。