- By cooking his books Jim didn't pay any corporation tax at all last year. 吉米采用篡改帐目的方法,去年一年根本没交任何公司税。
- She is hung up on the new tax rules. 她对新的税款规定担心。
- Several small companies has gone to the wall since the government raised the rate corporation tax. 自从政府提高公司税率以来,已有好几家小公司倒闭了。
- The company claims tax relief against their corporation tax. 企业有权利要求减轻企业所得税的负担。
- Q: What is the implication of the change in tax rules? 问:上述税法的改动有什么影响?
- In tax rules, miscellaneous may be always the largest category. 在税务规章中,杂项可能总是最大的一项。
- Q: Is there any change to the tax rules that impose tax on dividend income? 问:新税法有没有改变对股息的征税规定?
- The tax credit is an imputation based on the fact that corporation tax has been paid. 税收抵免是以已经交纳的公司税为基础的一种估算制度。
- The tax ruling have retrospective effect . 该税务裁定具有追溯效力。
- The tax ruling have retrospective effect. 该税务裁定具有追溯效力。
- Sound knowledge of Chinese corporate tax. 充分的中国行政税务方面的知识;
- Corporate tax base is very mobile. 企业税的税基具有非常高的流动性。
- Creating a 20% minimum corporate tax. 设立20%25这一最低公司税。
- Since the change in the regulations about corporation tax,our company has been going great guns. 自从公司税法改变以来,我们公司一直生意兴隆。
- In a phone interview, Connolly said he'd been trying to protest a planned change in local tax rules. 克龙尼后来在电话采访中说,他这样做是为了抗议当地即将更改的一项税收规定。
- The resulting marginal tax rate reflects unique events resulting from a change in German Corporation Tax Law and the tax burden of the previous years. 由此结算出的税率中包含公司所得税法修改引起的一次性效应以及过去几年的税收负担。
- While the tax rules will vary between jurisdictions, in most cases, the grantor? can't receive these benefits if he or she is the trustee of the trust. 当然,税收制度在各州区之间迥然不同,但在大多数情况下如果授权人同时也是信用委托人,那么他/她将不能够获得上述的税收便利。
- Lawyers said that the most likely criterion would be the use of sham companies, allowing account holders to exploit loopholes in US tax rules. 律师表示,最有可能的标准将是账户持有人是否利用美国税法漏洞,注册虚假公司进行逃税。
- New corporation taxes will take effect on all corporations soon. 新企业税不久将来对所有公司都会生效.
- And source of REVENUE for Govt is Corporate TAXES. 政府预算的来源是公司税收。