- Zyprexa is Eli Lilly’s top selling drug. 再普乐是礼来公司的最畅销的药物。
- How can we '''S'''top each Weakness? *如何'''停'''止每个劣势?
- Sitar Tan performing one of FIR's top song! 维维演唱FIR的千年之恋.
- He has employed one of the UK's top lawyers to defend him. 他请了英国一位顶尖律师为他辩护。
- Many od the world ’ s top designer names are French . 许多外径世界最顶尖的设计师的名字是法国人。
- Quality and inclusion are key factors in attaining EFA, UNESCO's top priority. “素质和参与”是教科文组织首要任务“全民教育”的关键因素。
- General Council: The WTO's top decision-making body other than the Ministerial Conference; meets regularly. 总理事会:世贸组织中继部长会议之后的最高决策机构,定期举行会议。
- Patrick Ewing had been the NBA's top choice in the draft of 1985,and now he Was pledging the rest of his professional career to the New York Knicks. 帕特里克.;尤因是1985年NBA招募人材的首选;现在他准备将自己职业生涯的余生奉献给纽约尼克斯队。
- OMNEX'S top management authored QOS implementation methodology &Ford Motor Company's TQM process along with Ford. OMNEX的最高的管理写作了QOS实现方法论&与浅滩一起的伏特汽车公司的TQM过程。
- Ministerial Conference: The WTO's top level decision-making body; meets at least once every two years. 部长级会议:世贸组织的最高决策机构,至少每两年开一次会。
- Dr.Robert Coles,an internationally famous doctor,is the world’s top expert on the influence of money on children. 博士科尔斯,一个国际知名的医生,是世界顶尖的专家影响的金钱对儿童的影响。
- In the entire supercomputing market, Big Blue is getting bigger and nearing HP's top rank. 在整个超级电脑领域,蓝色巨人正变的越来越强大,几欲超越HP的领导地位。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- The resulting furor led the paper’s top two newsroom executives to resign. 由此产生的轰动率领纸最大的两家新闻编辑部负责人辞职。
- But the mess in the UN's top human-rights agency augurs ill for the reform of the UN as a whole. 但是联合国人权机构的一团糟却预示着,从总体上来看,联合国的改革是不成功的。
- cotton's top cuter 棉花打顶机
- Since 2002, Bight Dairy has been ed as one of “Shanghai’s Top 100” enterprises every year. 2002年至今,历年入选“上海100强企业;
- Vargas has caught the eye of a number of Europe’s top sides with his virtuoso performances in Sicily. 本赛季由于巴尔加斯在西西里岛球队的优异表现,他引起了欧洲众多顶级俱乐部的眼光。
- The cotton pickers want more money. 采棉工人要求更多的报酬。
- HSBC's top ranking in underwriting euromarket bonds this year, for example, is unfamiliar territory. 举例来说,汇丰今年在欧元市场债券承销榜上名列前茅,这就是一个陌生的领域。