- 通过小缝隙缓慢流出。pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings.
- 薄型小缝隙半导体放电管自动涂胶机的关键技术The Key Technology in the Development of Thin-type with little gap Automatic Pasting Equipment for Semi-conductor Surge Arrester
- 小的less
- 小猪pigling
- 缝隙lacune
- sulfur crack(焊接缺陷)硫裂
- 小计subtotal
- 从小from childhood
- 小女孩lassock
- 小狗puppy
- 最小的lowest
- 小便urinate
- 小猫kitten
- 通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音to produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips
- 小精灵elf
- 小人flunky
- 小号horn
- 小花flowerlet
- 小鸡chick
- 小二young waiter in a wineshop or an inn