- John said he had been impelled to crime by poverty. 约翰说他为贫困所迫而犯罪。
- He said he had been impelled to crime by poverty. 他说贫困逼得他犯罪。
- He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。
- He says he has been impelled to crime by poverty. 他说贫困逼得他犯罪。
- He say he have is impel to crime by poverty. 他说贫困逼得他犯罪。
- He said he had been to impelled crime by poverty. 他说他被穷困所逼而犯罪。
- He was forced into crime by circumstances. 他为环境所迫而犯罪。
- While the spearheads used by officers or trainers are mostly edged. 而军官用的枪头;或者演练用的枪头;则开刃多见.
- Be drawn in to the commission of the crime by an abettor. 受教唆犯的引诱而犯罪。
- Some shops invite crime by making it easy to take goods. 有些店里的东西很容易拿,容易使人犯罪。
- The judge concluded his crime by a series of evidence. 法官通过一系列的证据得出了结论,断定了他的罪行。
- Avoid scrapbook-type photos or jocular poses by officers on the scene. 避免的签名簿型照片或jocular构成人员在现场。
- And in the meantime, Emma was given a private BODYGUARD until the stalker was warned off by officers. 在该名男子被警察赶走之前,爱玛的母亲曾雇拥一名保镖来保护爱玛的安全。
- Justice reach the conclusion and conclude his crime by a set of evidence. 法官通过一系列的证据得出了结论,断定了他的罪行。
- Kinds of crime by computer technology have done harm to social stabilization. 利用计算机技术的各种犯罪,严重危害著社会的稳定;
- Restaurant and hotel kitchens are visited regularly by officers of public health. 餐厅和旅馆的厨房有公共卫生部门的官员定期检查。
- The old theatre is to be torn down and replaced by offices. 这座旧戏院将被拆除,然后在这里建办公楼。
- The perpetration of the crime by the accused was proved to the satisfaction of the court. 法庭确认被告的罪行己得到充分的证实。
- We cannot agree with the idea that these aims can be attained only by officers' strict control. 我们不能同意这样的观点,以为完全用长官的严厉统制办法,就可以达到上述目的。
- The operation, called Operation Icefall, was led by officers from the Metropolitan police's clubs and vice unit. 这个名为雪球行动的清理行动,由首都警察俱乐部及其附属单位发动。