- He is very young, but very cunning and stubborn. 他非常年轻,但非常刁顽。
- All you needed was luck and cunning and boldness. 只消有点子运气、狡猾和勇敢,这样的事情便能成功。
- He's very young, but very cunning and stubborn. 他非常年轻,但非常刁顽。
- Remember: cunning and treachery vanquish youth and enthusiasm. 记住:狡猾和背叛,胜过年轻和热情。
- We need someone cunning and brave to save the mermaids. 我们需要有人狡猾和勇敢拯救美人鱼。
- "The crime was unprecedented in its cunning and murderous results. “这是是蓄意谋杀的犯罪,是史无前例的。
- Is there any traffic over Ling Cun and Huang Cun fields? 邻村和黄村机场有活动。
- The ways were so cunning and unreasonable that made people flabbergasted. 对此,清律中专门设有禁止图赖的条例。
- In criticism, it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness. 批评要防止主观武断。
- The illegal and arbitrary funds and charges will continue to be dealt with and eliminated resolutely. 对不合法、不合理的收费、基金继续进行清理整顿,坚决予以取消;
- And anti-communism is the cunning and pernicious scheme used by the Japanese and Wang Ching-wei for subjugating China. 反共者,日汪之诡计,亡华之毒策也。
- To enforce freedom of speech in disregard of the rights of others would be harsh and arbitrary in itself. 因为不尊重他人权利而强行一己之言论自由的本身即系粗暴而专断之行为
- The cunning and shrewd rascals had the impertinence to defy their superiors and start a rebellion. 这帮刁滑之徒竟敢犯上作乱。
- He had wanted to do something sudden and arbitrary, something unexpected and refined. 他要求自己做事出人意外,独断专行,干得既惊人又出色。
- Semantically and pragmatically,it is a conventionlized meaningful unit that can be both motivated and arbitrary. 语义语用视角为习俗化了的语义或语用单元,是理据性与任意性的统一;
- The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning. 狐狸的机敏和狡猾是人所共知的。
- After years of applying certain writing conventions, the forms of the ideograms have become stylized and arbitrary. 经过若干年的对写作习惯的适应,表意文字的形式渐渐有了约定俗成的固定格式。
- But for large time-band production systems and arbitrary FM-CW, how to design a matched filter is a difficult task. 但对大时宽带宽积的任意调频连续波其匹配滤波器的设计是比较困难的。
- He was a self-made man: an example of what may be accomplished by cunning and selfishness. 他是一个白手起家的人:一个依靠狡猾和自私而名利双收的典型。
- Avoid trying to pick off tops and bottoms because at best it is a subjective and arbitrary way to time trades. 你一定要避免去抓头部和底部,由于那顶多是种主观和没有根据的进出方式。