- Governement procurement is a non-tariff trade barrier and, to some degree, can lead to social maladies like bribery and embezzlement. 政府采购是一种非关税的贸易障碍,在某种程度上可导致社会弊病,如受贿、盗用公款。
- The two most memorable barricades which the observer of social maladies can name do not belong to the period in which the action of this work is laid. 观察社会疾苦的人可能会提到的那两座最使人难忘的街垒,并不属于本书所述故事发生的时期。
- But while encouraging consumption of luxuries to stimulate domestic demands, a series of social maladies like show-off have followed. 一边是内需不足,急于扩大消费,刺激内需,拉动经济;一边是炫耀式奢侈消费产生的社会弊病。
- Money worship is a social malady nowadays. 拜金主义是现在社会上的歪风。
- To enable them to be aware of what kind of work they CAN do within the current social and political climate. 让参与者了解在当前的社会和政治现状下,他们可以进行那些工作。
- It plays a very important role in understanding the current social relations and reconstructing the history. 它演奏一非常重要在了解潮流的角色社会联系和重建历史。
- Psychic quality is one of momentous qualities that current social talents have to possess. 摘要心理素质是当今社会人才必备的重要素质之一。
- Veltroni also criticized Bayesian face of the current social and economic crisis appears to be incompetent. 韦尔特罗尼又指摘贝氏面对目前的社会和经济危机显得无能。
- A social malady The boy is suffering from some strange malady. 这男孩患了某种奇怪的病。
- Current social practices require a proper fusion of scientism and humanism to promote human civilization together. 当代社会实践的发展,要求科学文化与人文文化二者有机地融合,共同推动人类文明的进步。
- As a contemporary writer, he puts main attention on exposing current social problems. 作为一名当代作家,他将主要精力放在针砭时弊上。
- There are many worthwhile programs on televion,including news,concerts,programs on current social problems and so on. 61电视里有很多值得一看之节目,包括新闻、音乐和讨论当前社会问题之节目等。
- There are many worthwhile programs on televion,including news,concerts,programs on current social problemsso on. 61电视里有值得一看的节目,新闻、音乐和讨论当前社会问题的节目等。
- I also reviewed the development of the "Grands Projets" along the Seine, reflecting on the significance of the river, and analyzing current social conditions. 我亦沿著塞纳河思考检讨开发这项伟大专案;反映这河流的意义;分析目前社会的状况.
- And such a process is the real picture of the history of the forbears' exploration and the reflection for the current social phenomena. 而其生灭的过程往往是先民拓垦历史的写照,甚至是社会现象的反映。
- Privatization would begin by diverting payroll taxes, which pay for current Social Security benefits, into personal investment accounts. 将现在用于支付社会福利金的工资税转移到个人投资帐户上,私有化就开始了。
- The current social majority think that the ESPC policy reform is in good time, the main oriention is right, the opportunity must be grasped. 摘要当前,社会多数人认为,对“扩权强县”政策改革势正逢时,主流方向对头,机遇可抓不可失;
- Chen Li, deputy director of the National Library, blamed current social values that encourage overnight fame and succe - i tead of good old hard work. 国家图书馆副馆长陈力认为这主要归咎于当今社会鼓励一夜成名或快速成功的社会价值观,而摈弃了过去的那种靠勤奋努力获得成功的观念。
- Our country current social security policy and legal retirement age make the profit and loss of personal pension very difference, and pauperize the retired senility. 我国现行的社会保障政策与法定退休年龄使得个人养老金收支盈亏及领取水平有很大的差异,并导致高龄退休人员相对贫困化。
- I also reviewed the development of the" Grands Projets" along the Seine, reflecting on the significance of the river, and analyzing current social conditions. 我亦沿著塞纳河思考检讨开发这项伟大专案;反映这河流的意义;分析目前社会的状况.