- The Indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the 1920s. 印度河文化是约翰·马歇尔爵士20世纪20年代进行的发掘中发现的。
- This paper presents a presplitting test in medium-hard fissured redsandstone during cut excavation of Xianglei high-speed highway in Hunan Province. 介绍了湖南省湘耒高速公路边坡开挖爆破施工时,在中等坚硬且裂隙发育红砂岩地区实施预裂爆破的试验情况。
- Based on similarity theory physical model is employed to study shaft excavation by one-step deep-hole basting. 在相似理论分析基础上,对一次爆破成井4种天井断面布孔形式进行室内模型试验。
- Ventilation is a very important process in rock excavation by blasting in underground engineering. 地下工程钻爆开挖过程中,通风排烟是重要的一环。
- The site has been excavated by archaeologists. 这个遗址已被考古学家发掘出来。
- An engineering example of the excavation by controlled blasting for various small transect pile-wells in downtown districts is introduced. 介绍了在闹市区对多种小断面桩井采用控制爆破技术进行开挖的工程事例。
- They have railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting excavation. 他们已用栏杆把草地和新铁道的路堑隔开来。
- Because of the small mine, usually the ore was excavated by hand. 由于矿体小,传统印石采制主要是手工挖掘。
- Printing tempo control by transducer, free adjustment by scraper and covering ink blade in accordance with the printing demands. 印刷电机使用变频器控制印刷速度,刮刀及覆墨刀可任意调节快慢,配合印件要求。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She was cut to the quick by his insults. 她受他侮辱而十分伤心。
- Divers can ruin an excavation by taking mundane items such as amphorae that shed light on everyday life, archaeologists say. 考古学家说:潜水者可以通过一些平常的东西(如日常生活中用的土罐子)来破坏文物的挖掘。
- Gather-collector was the main component of functional feeding groups in Xiangxi River system, followed by scraper, predator, anti filter-collector, while shredder only accounted for a small part. 大型底栖动物功能摄食类群以集食者占优,其次为刮食者、捕食者和滤食者,撕食者丰度最小。
- He was badly cut up by the death of his son. 他因儿子死了极为悲伤。
- Trench excavation by grab dredger and install a submarine water main of 1200 mm diameter and a length of 2.1 km. The total dredged volume of marine sediment is about 362,000 m3. 工程主要涉及以抓斗挖掘管槽,敷设一条直径1200毫米和长度2.;1公里的海底供水管道。挖出的沉积物总体积估计约达362;000立方米。
- His cheek was badly scarred by a knife cut. 他的面颊上留有严重的刀疤。
- Just call me by my surname, cut out the Mr. 就叫我的姓吧,去掉先生二字。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。