- accumulation symptom of heat in middle - jiao 中焦积热证
- Vacuous syndromes mainly include kidney and liver in Lower Jiao deffiency,spleen in Middle Jiao and stomach diffiency and heart in Upper Jiao diffency. 虚证多责之于下焦肝肾亏虚、中焦脾胃气虚、上焦心阴不足。
- for edema, painful and difficult urination (dysuria), diarrhea , leucorrhagia, caused by damp heat in the lower burner (xia jiao) (urinary tract infection). 下焦湿热以致水肿、小便不利、泄泻(泌尿系统或消化系统感染)、淋浊带下及痰饮等。
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- The heat in the tropics is oppressive. 热带气候热得难受。
- We've learned algebra in middle school. 我在中学就学过代数学。
- We had studied physiology in middle school. 我在中学就已经学过生理学。
- He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。
- I can't stand up to the heat in summer here. 我受不了这里夏天的炎热。
- Cracked wheat grains, often used in Middle Eastern dishes. 碎小麦碾碎了的小麦,常用于中东食品中
- This paper focused on describing planning research of power generation from middle temperature flue gas waste heat in Jiao Zuo cement plant. 本文论述了焦作水泥厂中温烟气余热发电方案研究。
- We put new central heating in when we moved here. 我们搬到这儿的时候安装了集中供暖设备。
- I used to run when I was in middle school. 我在中学的时候常常跑步。
- My feet often swell with the heat in the afternoon. 下午天一热我的脚常肿胀起来。
- There is hardly any conduction of heat in fluids. 流体中的热几乎不能传导。
- Our products enjoy a good sale in Middle East. 我们的产品在中东很好卖。
- They subjected him to heat in the wilderness. 他们使得他在野外饱受烈日暴晒之苦。
- The loss of vital heat in shock. 休克中失去了生死攸关的热量。
- Stagnation of phlegm - damp in middle - jiao 痰浊中阻