- Based on a new model combining known de Broglie model and Ross model. 基于已知的 De Broglie模型和 Ross模型结合的太阳中微子新模型,可以获得两个中微子合成一个光子及其能量公式。
- Because of de Broglie's outstanding contribution, he received a lot of honor. 由于德布罗意的杰出贡献,他获得了很多的荣誉。
- The first suggestion that electrons might have wavelike properties was made by L. de Broglie in 1924. 1924年德布罗意首先提出电子可能具有波动性质的意见。
- A conceptual mistake often made by somebody to the velocity of de Broglie wave is corrected. 指出关于德布罗意波速度的一个常犯的概念错误。
- French neo-classical style of the building while at the Opera de Broglie represented. 法国新古典主义风格的建筑物则以德布罗意广场的歌剧院为代表。
- In the fourth part I give comments on Crick?s theory. 第四部分对克里克的理论进行评价。
- The summarize of the classical thoery and the quantum thoery on de Broglie wave. 对德布罗意波的物理意义从经典解释到量子解释进行综合评述,插入了作者的一些见解。
- The essence of AOP based on AOP's theory and thinking is analyzed. 在介绍面向方面编程(AOP)原理和思想的基础上深入分析了AOP的实质。
- This conclusion is contray to Winful"s theory in reference [2]. 这一结果与文献[2]的理论相反。
- P22 Generally speaking,the intensity of de Broglie wave at any place is directly proportional to the probability the particle close to the place. 普遍地说,在某处德布罗意波的强度与粒子在该处邻近出现的概率成正比,这就是德布罗意波的统计解释。
- Popper"s theory of Three Worlds provides a new way to settle it. 波普尔的三个世界理论为解决这一问题提供了一个全新的视域。
- De Broglie's idea, which introduced the notion that electrons are also waves, was qutie incomprehensible to many physicists in 1924. 后面一句删去了逗号中间那部份后,仍然让人有点头绪是在说什么,因为讲明了是 de Broglie 在 1924 年的意见。
- P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code). P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)。
- When the de Broglie wavelength of electrons inside a nanoscale metal particle is comparable to its size, the quantum size effects (QSE) appear. 当金属纳米颗粒中电子的de Broglie波长已经可以和它的大小相比时,量子限制效应(QSE)就会出现。
- Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle develops in these disputes. 德沃金法律原则理论正是在这些争论中得以发展。
- We can derive from the conclusion of the special relativity and the de Broglie relation the formula for the relation between the speed of matter wave and the related partical. 根据狭义相对论的结论和德布罗意公式;推出了物质波的波速和与该物质波相缔合的粒子速度之间的关系式.
- Author suggests that it is necessary to design experiments to measure the phase velocity of de Broglie wave and to study the wave-particle duality deeply. 建议设计实验测量德布罗意波的相速度 ;深入研究波粒二象性 .
- De Broglie was his thesis advisor;he served as a research assistant to Fermi;and he worked at CERN when it was still in Copenhagen under the direction of Bohr. 他曾与诺贝尔奖得主德布罗意、费米和波尔共事,他的导师是德布罗意,他做过费米的研究助手,当CERN还在哥本哈根的时候他曾在那里在波尔的指导下工作。