- The prime minister is de facto president of the country. 这位总理实际上就是这个国家的总统。
- The Basis for One China,de Facto and de Jure. 一个中国的事实和法理基础。
- He continued to rule the country de facto. 实际上,他继续统治着这个国家。
- The general took de facto control of the country. 这位将军实际上控制了整个国家。
- We can't lie to her, Paul. She's a de facto client. 我们不能骗她,她是我们事实上的委托人。
- The result was, de facto, a one-party system. 结果实际上是一党专制。
- Does amending employment contract have to be in writing? What is the legal effects of de facto amendment? 劳动合同的变更是否必须采用书面形式?未采取书面形式的“事实变更”的效力?
- Some officials concede that allowing farmers to transfer contract titles for a fee amounts to de facto privatization. 某些官员承认,允许农民流转土地承包经营权以换取付费,形同事实上的私有化。
- Some officials concede that allowing farmers to transfer contract titles for a fee amounts to de facto privatisation. 某些官员承认,允许农民流转土地承包经营权以换取付费,形同事实上的私有化。
- Though his kingship is challenge,he continue to rule de facto. 虽然他做国王的身分为人诟病, 但他仍大权在握。
- He was de jure prime minister,but de facto president. 他法律上是总理,但实际上是总统。
- The Simple API for XML event model de facto standard. Simple API for XML事件模型事实上的标准。
- The Kurds have a de facto state of their own in the north. 在北方库尔德人实际上已经成立了他们自己的国家。
- He was de jure prime minister, but de facto president. 他法律上是总理,但实际上是总统。
- Though his kingship is challenge, he continue to rule de facto. 虽然他做国王的身分为人诟病, 但他仍大权在握。
- Every manager in a business is a de facto business analyst. 每名企业里的经理事实上就是业务分析员。
- BGP is the de facto inter-domain routing protocol of the Internet. BGP是目前Internet上采用的AS间的动态路由协议。
- Yet few tools exist to tackle de facto educational resegregation. 但是现在没有机制解决实际中教育分校的问题(好吧)。
- Though his kingship is challenged,he continues to rule de facto. 这位总理实际上就是这个国家的总统。
- Though his kingship was challenged, he continued to rule de facto. 虽然他做国王的身分为人诟病; 但他仍大权在握.