- Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行。
- A book like this is long overdue. 像这样的书早就该有人出版了。
- Long overdue improvements are required! 盼望已久的改进!
- A: Look, your mobile phone bill is long overdue. 你看,你的手机帐单已经过期这麽久了。
- The issue is long overdue for a public debate. 这个问题早就为大众所争论不休了。
- Sorry, I own you a long overdue apology. 对不起;我一直没机会向你道歉.
- They pressed him to complete the formalities long overdue. 他们催他去办早就该办的手续。
- Most of China's new record-holders were long overdue. 而中国地区的大部分世界记录保持者却久久没有被记录在册。
- A new yardstick for measuring slumps is long overdue. 衡量经济衰退的新标准迟到了。
- West Bank Palestinian legislator, Hanan Ashrawi, said a truce is long overdue. 约旦河西岸的巴勒斯坦议员阿什拉维认为,早就该实现停火。
- Legislation in all states banning texting while driving is long overdue. 各州的立法开始禁止长时间开车时发手机短信。
- A public debate over the ethical limits to such neuroscience is long overdue. 一场对于神经科学的伦理界限的公众争论早该到来。
- The chairman is trying to bring about some long overdue changes in company policy. 董事长正试图调整某些早该调整的公司政策。
- Scrappy journalism had catapulted the city into and energetic, thouroughgoing and long overdue civil housecleaning. 不顾强烈反对而采访并发布的新闻突然使得这个城市猛烈而彻底地进行早就该进行的市政大改革。
- A revision is long overdue, said Dr. Raul Artal of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. 圣路易斯大学医学院的罗尔·阿特阿尔博士认为,这样的调整早就该做了。
- Scrappy journalism had catapulted the city into and energetic,thourough going and long overdue civil housecleaning. 不顾强烈反对而采访并发布的新闻,突然使得这个城市猛烈而彻底地进行早就该进行的市政大改革。
- One woman said she had just about given up trying to get her husband to go for a long overdue checkup when she finally got through to him. 一位妇女说她打算放弃劝说她丈夫去进行耽误了很久的体检,但最终还是说服了他。
- Fortunate circumstances could unfold in ways that will enable you to take care of a long overdue obligation. 幸运的事情将会接连而来,而且会让你处理好以前未尽到的职责。
- Virtually every serious commentator agrees that major reform within Third World education is long overdue. 事实上,任何认真的评论家都认为第三世界的教育早就应该实行重大的改革了。
- OK, Long overdue, not better? Well, the first to kiss months has not been seen for a long time! 早该如此,不是更好吗?好了,先来个好久没有的吻吧!