- After a few years of our product research and market analysis, we are proud to announce the establishment of DESP Shanghai in September 2008. 经过几年的产品研究和市场分析,2008年9月“上海德诗宝文化传播有限公司”成立。
- Mr.Bush said that mission serves America’s security interests because people who live in chaos and desp air ire are more likely to fall into this under the s way of violent ideologies. 布什说这一行动有利于美国的安全,因为生活在混乱和绝望中毒人更可能陷入暴力的意识形态中。
- iews==>desp mode==>edge disp==>erase line....... 2)config.pro: sae_drawing_picture_files embed(or both 第一点我试过了,确实行,谢了!不过关于消隐的问题我还是搞不清楚。图一
- The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled daysof success, but rather those days when out of dejection and desp: 人的一生中,最为辉煌的一天并不是功成名就的那些天,而是从悲叹与绝望中产生对人生的挑战和对未来辉煌的期盼的那些日子.
- " It also bars desperate " disparate impact.Actions " -- actions that are not meant to discriminate but in fact desp disproportionately harm monoritiesminoritiesminorities. 由于担心受到考试不及格少数族裔的法律控告,纽黑文市将考试成绩作废。
- tegegncia 苯螺旋酮
- Decaspiride 螺癸酮喘通[平喘药]
- DESP (=decaspiride) 苯螺旋酮, 螺葵酮
- Despériers 德佩里耶
- Despée 德佩
- Despéaux 德佩奥