- Ji Lin Yi Jida is a wind of no confidence, and Lin Feng Ji is a deep feeling of guilt - guilt kind of love is so strong, his killer took to the road. 伊吉达是对林济风的不信任,而林济风则是深深的内疚之情--情种内疚是如此的强烈,成为他走上杀手道路的原因。
- Real jealousy always increases the feeling of love. 真实的嫉妒总是增加爱的感觉。
- God respects the true feeling of love, but He hates lust. 神对于爱情是尊重的,而对于情欲却是憎恶的。
- An error that can produce deep feelings of unease. 而一个错误就能造成极度的不安。”
- The feel of love, the key of spring, will unlock his chain. 爱情的触觉;如同春天的钥匙;终将解开枷锁.
- Married with excellent taste is the writer's power of expressing the deep feelings of his characters. 这位作家表现其作品人物深厚感情的能力是与优美的情趣密切相联的。
- Love is a deep feeling of fondness,affection and friendship that begets between two people. 有是两人之间所产生的一种深深的喜爱、钟爱与友谊之情。
- I have no feelings of love left in me. 爱,这种感情我一点也没有了。
- This is because small plaything contains boundless love and deep feeling, the warmth will make it so, and it was precisely because of love, my heart will not be empty and cold. 这样的小玩意儿只是因为包含了无限的爱和深情,才会使它如此的温暖,也正是因为有了爱,心底才不会那么空洞和寒冷。
- An explosive temper or a smoldering rage often masks a deep feeling of pain. 一个爆炸性的脾气或是一个闷在心里的愤怒常常盖住一个很深的痛苦的感觉。
- Therefore, we contacted each other's feelings of love. 因此联系了我们彼此联系爱心的情感。
- Red rose and chocolate are always filled with the feeling of love. 红玫瑰,巧克力总是充满着爱的感觉。
- The deep feeling of Confucius, can explain this sage did not understand orchid only. 孔子的感慨,只能说明这位圣人并未读懂兰花。
- I know she waited on you hand and foot, but I have no feeling of love. 我知道她尽心尽力地伺候我,可我找不到爱的感觉。
- The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt. 这段经历给我心灵上留下了严重的创伤。
- Parents often experience deep feelings of guilt if their children fail. 如果孩子们的表现差强人意,父母常会有一种负疚感。
- The famous letter by President Lincoln to Mrs.Bixby well illustrates the deep feeling of regret and understanding so essential in writing such a letter. 林肯写给毕克斯碧夫人的最有名的同情信函,此种信函应具有最深刻的遗憾及体贴之情。
- The news stirred deep feeling in me. 这消息深深激发了我的感情。
- We are able to solve our problems together is the feeling of love,rather than "Please love me because I need you. 爱的感觉应该是“我们能一起来解决问题”而不是“爱我吧,因为我需要你。”
- Sex, for these couples, is integrated with feelings of love and caring. 性,对于这些夫妻来讲,是与爱和关心融为一体的。