- The theory of cognitive structure and P.E. 认知结构理论与体育教学。
- Communicative activities impel mankind to form cognitive structure and help to develop human cognitive competence. 交际活动促进人类认知结构的形成,也促进人类认知能力的发展。
- The paper mainly involve the accelerated function of interest, emotions, willpower in the optimization of mathematical cognitive structure. 本文主要讨论了兴趣、情感和意志等对优化数学认知结构的促进作用。
- The process of mathematical learning i s the new knowledge reciprocity old mathematical cognitive structure(mcs), engender new mcs. 数学学习的过程即是新的学习内容与学生原有的数学认知结构相互作用,形成新的数学认知结构的过程。
- Jean Piaget's epistemology is a theory about cognitive structure, genetics and development instead of a theory about pure developmental psychology. 摘要皮亚杰的发生认识论并不是一个纯粹的发展心理学理论,而是一个关于认知的结构及其发生与发展的理论。
- The three categories of metacognition of cognitive structure control among them the foundation of personal cognitive structure. 认知结构中的三类元认知交互控制着个体认知结构的建构。
- Therefore, it has been obvious that the research of polysemy cannot be done without an analysis of human cognitive structure. 由此可见研究一词多义这种语言现象必须分析人类的认知结构。
- The cognitive aesthetics which is established in the cognitive ability and cognitive structure has reasonably resolved many arguable problems in the field of aesthetics . 认知美学以人的认知能力和结构为理论立足点,对美学中争论的诸多问题给予了圆满解决。
- The knowledge system of mathematics has a few different kinds of structure,logic structure,cognitive structure,structure of teaching materials and teaching structure. 数学知识系统有几种不同的组织结构:逻辑结构、认知结构、教材结构和教学结构,并且都有多种具体表现形式。
- The CPFS Frame,which was a special cognitive structure only existing in mathematics study,was composed of Concept Field,Concept System,Proposition Field and Proposition System. CPFS结构是由概念域、概念系、命题域、命题系形成的结构;是数学学习中特有的认知结构.
- This result confirms that FL learners, while building up their FL knowledge structure, adjust the categories carved up by the ML and gradually construct a FL cognitive structure different from the ML. 研究结果表明,学习者在建立英语语言系统的过程中,对以母语为基础所切分的世界进行相应的范畴化调整,逐渐构建起与母语的认知结构有别的外语认知结构。
- In mathematics teaching, the teacher must conscientiously grasp student's learning mentality, conforming to his cognitive structure, helping him to lay good foundation and enhance his ability. 教学工作中把培养学生数学思维品质作为发展她数学能力的突破口。
- She's very defensive about her part in the affair. 她极力掩盖她在此事中充当的角色。
- The other is learning effect, which includes cognition achievement, nous, consciousness of efficiency, excellent cognitive structure and learning capability. 在数学学习结果方面体现于多方面的学习效果(认知成绩、理性精神、效率意识、良好认知结构和数学学习能力)。
- The cultural rifts between the orient and the occident had come from the different cognition structure of the oriental culture and the occidental culture. 东方与西方之间文化鸿沟的生成,缘于“东方文化”与“西方文化”两种不同的认识结构。
- The quarterback was mobbed by the defensive line. 四分卫遭到防守线球员猛烈攻击。
- Forming of world culture cognition structure can be advantageous of surpassing of cultural rifts between the orient and the occident . “世界文化”认识结构的形成,将有利于消除东方与西方的文化鸿沟。
- The elementary cognition theory can help the teachers to instruct the students to set up this kind of cognition structure effectively. 元认知理论则能帮助数学教师引导学生有效地建立起这种认知结构。
- The Forming of world culture cognition structure can be advantageous of surpassing of cultural rifts between the orient and the occident . “世界文化”认识结构的形成,将有利于消除东方与西方的文化鸿沟。