- Warming the middle jiao (digestive system), for cold and pain in the stomach, prefering warm and touch, vomiting due to coldness in stomach, diarrhea because of indigestion, low digestive function. 有温中散寒的功能,用于脘腹冷痛,喜热喜按,胃寒呕吐,食滞泄泻,消化不良等。
- Vacuous syndromes mainly include kidney and liver in Lower Jiao deffiency,spleen in Middle Jiao and stomach diffiency and heart in Upper Jiao diffency. 虚证多责之于下焦肝肾亏虚、中焦脾胃气虚、上焦心阴不足。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- The weather is very cold in the Middle Ages. 中世纪时气候很寒冷。
- We've learned algebra in middle school. 我在中学就学过代数学。
- She felt cold in her flimsy dress. 她穿著单薄的衣服觉得很冷。
- We had studied physiology in middle school. 我在中学就已经学过生理学。
- Sam was in the cold in the conversation. 在谈话中没人理会山姆。
- It's so cold in this room we're nearly frozen out. 这屋里真冷,可把我们冻坏了
- He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning. 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。
- It is hot in summer here, but it is not cold in winter. 这里夏天热,但冬天不冷。
- Cracked wheat grains, often used in Middle Eastern dishes. 碎小麦碾碎了的小麦,常用于中东食品中
- I used to run when I was in middle school. 我在中学的时候常常跑步。
- Set up by a severe cold in October, Mary could not throw off her pneumonia. 玛丽十月间得过一场重感冒,抵抗力大为减弱,因而肺炎难以痊愈。
- He lay pale and cold in his gorgeous bed. 他脸色苍白、冰冷地躺在他那华丽的床上。
- Our products enjoy a good sale in Middle East. 我们的产品在中东很好卖。
- Hans: Is it very cold in winter? 汉斯:冬天很冷吗?
- It is very cold in the Arctic Circle all the year. 北极圈内终年寒冷。
- Mathematics is a main subject in middle schools. 数学是中学的一门主科。