- Education can develop one's potential abilities. 教育可以发展一个人的潜能。
- The man’s ability was attested by his rapid promotion. 此人的能力由他升迁之快得到证实。
- By combining theory with practice, it provides a new way to develop the student’s ability of PTI. 将理论与实践有机结合,为发展学生的物理形象思维能力提供新思路。
- You only have to develop one DTO and retrieval method per entity. 这样您只得为每个实体开发一个DTO和一个检索方法。
- Man' s ability to reason makes him different from the animal. 人类的思考力使自己不同于动物。
- The third use of listening is to develop one's cognitive power. Here cognitive power means the ability to understand the objects that the mind takes or observes. 听闻的第三个用处就是发展出一个人的认知能力。在这里认知能力意味着心灵有能力理解摄取和观察到的对象。
- This has no effect on ereg()'s ability to match more substrings. 这并不影响ereg()匹配更多子串的能力。
- Most people develop one of several forms of acne at some time in their lives. 大多数人一生中的不同时期会患不同类型的痤疮。
- It furthers people"s cognition and strengthens people"s ability. 它提高了人的认识,增强了人的能力。
- IRL can also affect the bank’s ability of screening. 其次,利率市场化还会影响银行的信息甄别能力。
- Some people, however, develop one or more of their senses up to a higher level. 不过其中有一部分人他们某个或者几个感官会比较发达。
- Develops one to one correspondence skills. 锻炼阅读跟随能力。
- The government’s ability to offer such insurance on a scale sufficient to make it costless is one reason to favor a public scheme over private insurers. 政府有能力大规模地提供这一保险,足以使得其代价低微。如此,人们就有理由采用公共计划而非私营保险公司。
- Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person?s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. 孤独症是一种复杂的大脑功能障碍,与人交往能力和社交能力受限,常伴有极端行为反应。
- The macrophage s ability of phagocytizing sperm may also be increased. 巨噬细胞吞噬精子能力亢进,抑制精子的活动度及其功能;
- Nothing compares to TVE's ability to eliminate enterprise level fragmentation. 在去除企业碎片方面,TVE的能力无以伦比。
- It is often useful to develop one or two extreme options that push the look-and-feel a bit too far in one direction. 另外,我们可以开发一两个极端的备选方案,在某一方向上把“外观和感觉”推得远一点,这种做法经常会很奏效。
- Transmission security limits the enemy 's ability to listen to radio signals. 传输保密限制了敌人侦听无线电信号的能力。
- The USW, for example, developed one such indicator in 1996.The U.K. 在联合钢铁工人协会,例如,在1996年开发了一个这样的指标。
- Improving the IAEA's ability to detect safeguard violations is not enough. 仅仅提高国际原子能机构核查违反保障机制做法的能力还不够。