- Education can develop one's potential abilities. 教育可以发展一个人的潜能。
- Everybody' s business is nobody' s business. 人人管的事等于没人管。(大家负责等于没人负责,三个和尚没水吃。)
- F&A has a role in every area of P&G's business. 财务部在P&G事业的每一个领域都存在。
- Gilbert: Bobby, how‘s business? 最近生意如何?
- You only have to develop one DTO and retrieval method per entity. 这样您只得为每个实体开发一个DTO和一个检索方法。
- The HKMC's business is being developed in two phases. 按揭证券公司的业务分两个阶段发展。
- Most people develop one of several forms of acne at some time in their lives. 大多数人一生中的不同时期会患不同类型的痤疮。
- Responsible for the profitable growth of TENNANT's business. 负责坦能业务在所属区域的销售和利润增长;
- Some people, however, develop one or more of their senses up to a higher level. 不过其中有一部分人他们某个或者几个感官会比较发达。
- Develops one to one correspondence skills. 锻炼阅读跟随能力。
- TODAY'S business leaders are voracious consumers of management advice. 今天的商业领导如饥似渴地寻求管理忠告。
- MIA is one of the USA's busiest in terms of aircraft and number of passengers. 就班次和旅客数量而言,迈阿密国际机场是美国最繁忙的机场之一。
- I hate to interrupt a man when he' s busy working. 一个人忙于工作时,我最不愿打搅了。
- Take part in the management and carry on the work with ROL's business plan. 参与管理并承担与ROL业务计划相关的工作。
- It is often useful to develop one or two extreme options that push the look-and-feel a bit too far in one direction. 另外,我们可以开发一两个极端的备选方案,在某一方向上把“外观和感觉”推得远一点,这种做法经常会很奏效。
- The funniest will win access to Flybe’s business lounges for a year. 最有趣的见闻将会赢得公司赠送的一年商务休息室使用权。
- These are the expressions of Mara. One has to develop one's power in order to see through the tricky bait. 无穷无尽地合理化,这些都是恶魔的说词。我们得增长自己的能力以识破诡诈的诱饵。
- Rappaport said the FDA did not have a definitive count of deaths caused by the patch and was working to develop one. 拉帕特说FDA没有足够的芬太尼引起的死亡病例,研究还将继续。
- The USW, for example, developed one such indicator in 1996.The U.K. 在联合钢铁工人协会,例如,在1996年开发了一个这样的指标。
- In this article, we develop one set of hammer after theoretical model design, machine processing and trial. 通过理论模型设计与机械加工试验,研制出了一套重锤机械结构。