- This is an example of infectious diarrhea due to Giardia lamblia infection of the small intestine. 由贾第虫感染小肠引起感染性腹泻的例子。
- Indications : persistent diarrhea due to internal weakness, marked with dark bloody stools that contain pus and dull abdominal pain. 主治:虚寒痢。表现下痢不止,脓血便,色黯不鲜,腹痛喜暖喜按,舌淡苔白。
- Traditional ideas are that central nerve system (CNS) is difficult to regenerate due to deficiency of NTFs. 以往认为CNS损伤后难以再生是由于缺乏再生的NTFs,但是大量的实验研究表明,中枢神经损伤后,单纯给予NTFs并不能取得明显的再生效果。
- This shows that due to deficiency of conditions there is no definite answer to the problem in [1]. 并由此指出:由于条件的不足,文[1]中所提问题是没有确切答案的。
- It was suggested that there was an important influence of maintaining the intestinal tract microecological balance to recover diarrhea due to spleen asthenia... 结果益元止泻颗粒对实验性脾虚泄泻小鼠的肠道菌群有调节作用,能增加有益菌如双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌的数量。
- In earlier navigations, there were many cases of failure due to deficiency of vitamin and subsequent occurrence of scurvy. 但早期的远航,因饮食单调,缺乏维生素,发生“坏血病”而屡遭失败的事例颇多,然而郑和船队没有因缺乏维生素而发生坏血病这类疫情。
- The main reason of CEPP failure is regarding FDEPP as RDEPP due to deficiency of experience and confidence of laparoscopist. 缺乏自信、经验不足、误把假性建立气腹困难当作真性建立气腹困难而中转开腹是腹腔镜术中腹腔粘连患者闭合法建立气腹失败的主要原因。
- In the article the author is to discus s the mechanism of Buyanghuanwu Decoctiontreating stroke,the type of syndrom e of Blood Stagnancy Due to Deficiency of Qi in TCM. 本文探讨补阳还五汤治疗中风病气虚血瘀证的作用机理,认为气虚血瘀、本虚标实是中风的主要病机。
- Often use in cold and deficient type of diarrhea, abdominal pain and flatulence, cold extremities, incontrollable diarrhea, lack of appetite and vomiting, weak digestion, vomiting and diarrhea due to parasites in children. 用于虚寒久泻不止,脘腹冷痛,气滞胀痛,脾胃虚寒,手足厥冷,滑泄不禁,食少呕吐,消化不良,小儿乳积吐泻等。
- Due to deficiency of S curve acceleration/deceleration control at present,it researches a new control strategy,the control arithmetic and method of real time control. 针对目前S曲线加减速控制的不足,研究了易实现控制的S曲线加减速算法。
- Often being used in cold and deficient type of diarrhea, abdominal pain and flatulence, cold extremities, incontrollable diarrhea, lack of appetite and vomiting, weak digestion, vomiting and diarrhea due to parasites in children. 用于虚寒久泻不止?脘腹冷痛?气滞胀痛?脾胃虚寒?手足厥冷?滑泄不禁?食少呕吐?消化不良?小儿乳积吐泻等。
- Some students quit school due to poverty. 一些学生因贫困而辍学。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- Sale is down a bit due to the revaluation. 由于货币升值销售额有下降。
- The ship was due to sail the following morning. 这艘船定于第二天启航。
- diarrhea due to cold of insufficiency type 虚寒洞泄
- diarrhea due to internal cold and superficial heat 协热下利
- The accident was due to her negligence. 这次事故是因她疏忽所致。
- diarrhea due to stagnation of vital energy 气泻
- His successes were largely due to luck. 他的成功主要靠运气。