- die from some unknown cause 死得不明不白
- Not any psychnologist would agree depression comes from some unknown chemical substance.there much and wide reasons could cause bloomy,one of them we have to face is our work. 没有任何心理学家会赞同抑郁纯粹是由一种不明化学物质引起的。导致抑郁症的原因可能有很多种并且相当广泛,但其中之一我们不得不应对的就是工作。
- Corwin's first task is the investigation of Caine's murder by creatures from some unknown place in the shadows. 装修的首要任务是调查坚的谋杀动物从某些不为人知的地方,在阴影中。
- About 40% of adult males have killed another person and about 25% of adult males will die from some form of violence. 大约有40%25的成年男子杀死另一人约25%25的成年男性死于某种暴力。
- Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 每年冬天都有些老人死于体温过低。
- The roundels could be from some unknown Hadrianic monument, but unlike other reused elemenj s on the arch they do not appean to have been remounted in a new context. 这些圆盘可能取自一些不知名的哈德良纪念建筑物,但不同于其他被拿来重新组合利用建筑拱门的部分,它们并没有被重新镶嵌成新的排列方式。
- Always in his icy grip is his bladed weapon, an intimidating tool forged from some unknown dark ore, covered with strange images guilded in gold, said to depict the end of Nirn itself. 在他冰冷的手中,总是紧握着他的利刃,一把用一些未知的黑暗矿石铸造而成的骇人的凶器,上面覆盖着用金箔制成的奇异图像,据说描绘着奈恩自身的终结。
- Many people died from the smallpox epidemic. 很多人死于天花流行病。
- The old man died from colon cancer. 这位老人死于结肠癌。
- Kate is in bad with Lucy for some unknown reason. 因为某些不为人知的原因,凯特和露西关系不好。
- The patient finally died from cancer. 那位病人最终死于癌症。
- The soldier died from an infections would. 这个士兵死于伤口感染。
- Antiochus died soon afterward of an unseen, unknown cause. 而安提阿哥则在之后不久莫名其妙地死去。
- My neighbor's dog died from distemper. 我邻居的狗死于犬瘟热。
- The boy is suffering from some strange malady. 这男孩患了某种奇怪的病。
- He freed his assistant from some of her chores. 他免去了助手某些日常事务。
- The plants died from want of water. 这些植物因缺水而死。
- The proof was fished up from some old papers. 从一些旧文件中查到了证据。
- He died from an overdose of barbiturates. 他因服用过量巴比土而死亡。
- Last week, Wilcox claims to be suffering from some kind of virus, the exact cause is unknown, therefore the absence of training camp. 上周,威尔考克斯宣称自己患了某种病毒,具体原因不明,因此会缺席训练营。