- He has a feeling of numbness of his face. 他面部有麻木感。
- ChS can promote the differentiation of HL60 cell. ChS能够促进HL60细胞分化。
- Leaf had no differentiation of palisade and spongy. 叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化。
- Fig 2. Differentiation of young shoots from transformed callus. 图2:从基因枪轰击过的愈伤组织分化出大量的小苗。
- Toxin has effect on growth and differentiation of calli. 毒素对愈伤组织的生长与分化有显著影响。
- We should pay attention to the differentiation of synonym. 我们应注意对同义词的辨析。
- He was still in a state of numbness and shock from the accident. 由于这事故,他还处于麻木与震惊状态之中。
- Is there any sensation of numbness in the upper limb? 上肢有麻木的感觉吗?
- Perhaps for her illness, have acquired a touch of numbness. 或许对于她的病痛,已经有了一丝的麻木。
- Pocket Atlas of Differentiation of Chinese Materia Medica II. 袖珍中药材鉴别图谱2。
- Few of tumor cells may have the differentiation of clara cells. 极少数瘤细胞可能出现Clara细胞分化
- Acupuncture may cause a little pain, and it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention. 针灸可能有点痛,而且也会使你感到有点麻木和发胀。
- Therefore the operator we seek is the differential of a spike. 因此,我们欲求的因子是一个单位脉冲的微分。
- That kind of infinite repetition of lassitude, that kind of is every day like this of numbness with tolerate! 那种无限的重复着的疲倦,那种天天如是的麻木和忍受!
- Acupuncture may cause a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention. 针灸可能有点痛,但也会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。
- Therefore the operator we seek is the differential of a spike . 因此,我们欲求的因子是一个单位脉冲的微分。
- Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension. 针刺只有轻微疼痛,它产生一定的麻和胀感。
- NaCl stress inhibited the differentiation of callus and plant regeneration. 盐胁迫抑制了愈伤组织的分化和植株再生。
- His head still hurt, but there was also an odd sense of numbness, as if ice had been laid on an injury. 他的头还是很疼,可他还感到有些奇怪的麻木,似乎在伤口上放了一块冰的感觉。
- Morphological Differentiation of Male Flower Bud of Ginkgo biloba L. 银杏雄花芽的形态分化。