- photomultiplier with discrete dynodes 分离电极式光电倍增管
- discrete dynode 分立二发射极
- The multiplier for the estimate of man-hour costs to take care of overheads and fringe benefits. 工时成本估计的乘数及以满足福利费和经营管理费的需要。
- They give off discrete amounts of radiant energy. 它们放出不连续的辐射能量。
- The number by which another number is multiplied. In 8*2, the multiplier is 8. 乘数与被乘数相乘的数。在乘式8*2中,乘数是8
- Source value used as a multiplier. 源值用作乘数。
- Closure with set values for the multiplier value. 闭包的实例,为乘数值设置了值。
- He obtained discrete bands of colour materials. 他得到了各有色物质的判别谱带。
- The proteins initially appear as discrete bodies. 蛋白质体最初作为分离体而出现。
- The methods used include: SUMT, the multiplier law. 常用的方法有:罚函数法、乘子法等。
- Discrete mode: Detail located LCR sub-modes. 安装LCR子模式细节。
- New pitch multiplier, 1.0 means default pitch. 新的高音增效器,默认音高为1.;0。
- Optical m ulti-bit matrix multiplier[J]. 引用该论文 周少敏;邬敏贤;金国藩.
- Maybe the HT multiplier needs to be dropped. 或者HT倍频需要降低?
- Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. 永久的乐观让你的力量成倍增长。
- The code is separated into discrete source files. 这些代码被分隔成离散的源文件。
- The starting address of the first discrete input. 离散输入的起始地址。
- The input columns must be discrete. 输入列必须为离散列。
- Discrete optimum design of structures II. 离散变量结构优化设计2。
- Range plus one optional discrete miss. 缺省值的范围并加一个随意的离散值。