- I like the discussion forum title: Chinglish. 我喜欢论坛标题
- Join a discussion forum about the project. 加入这个计划的讨论区。
- Image graphic design software discussion forum. 图像平面设计软件讨论区。
- Forum code to put in your signature in a discussion forum. 是论坛中当你的签名使的。
- Ashort time before, hold a discussion forum named Answer Crises. 大多数学者对这种现象是持谴责态度的。
- Welcome to the UGC's Hong Kong Higher Education Discussion Forum. 欢迎到访大学教育资助委员会的高等教育论坛。
- Join the project discussion forum or an independent discussion forum about Fermat numbers. 加入项目论坛或关于费马数的独立论坛。
- This can be useful in a discussion forum where users want to see which topics and responses are new and unread. 这在讨论论坛中很有用,在那里,用户希望了解有哪些话题和回复是新的和未读的。
- Forum: A discussion forum for distributed computing ideas and issues, specific projects, teams, etc. 论坛:一个供分布式计算爱好者们讨论有关分布式计算的创意、特殊项目、团队等等内容的交流社区。
- It furnishes a stable vision and offers a discussion forum on the cause of Tibet. 它提供了一个稳定的视野,并提供一个论坛以讨论西藏的事业。
- This SVG version is based on an image posted to Beijing University Chinese Culture and Language Discussion Forum. 请参阅共享资源上的详细描述、讨论页、页面历史、上传日志。
- The website provides IFIA's press information ,it also has the interactive discussion Forum. 网站介绍了发明者协会国际联合会(IFIA)的出版物情况,并设有发明方面的交互式论坛。
- A project helps teams work together by providing a discussion forum, document library, issue tracking, and survey tool all under one convenient project digital dashboard. 一个用于帮助工作组合作的项目,它通过在一个很方便的项目数字仪表板下提供论坛、文档库、问题跟踪和调查工具来实现帮助工作组成员合作。
- The Chinese Activity Center will hold a discussion forum and demo about Chinese calligraphy at December, 2, 2006 from 2 to 4 PM. 华人活动中心将于2006年12月2日从下午2点到4点,举办书法问题讨论会。
- The Dallas Chinese Community Center will hold a discussion forum and demo about Chinese calligraphy at December, 2, 2006 from 2 to 4 PM. 华人活动中心将于2006年12月2日从下午2点到4点,举办书法问题讨论会。
- Cathay Herbal's Traditional Chinese Medicine Library - offering in-depth information, with case studies, features and a discussion forum. 深入详细的介绍中医方面的信息,包括病例分析,论坛等。
- Yazd Discussion Forum - This forum software is a Java based discussion forum, that uses JDBC to store it's data in a database. 这个论坛软件是一个基于Java的论坛,它使用JDBC将数据存储在一个数据库中。
- One of the pages will likely contain a discussion forum component used to render an instance of a discussion forum, which is content. 一个页面可能包含一个用来呈现讨论论坛实例的讨论论坛组件,这就是内容。
- The on-line discussion forums allow open and free discourse. 在线讨论平台支持开放的、自由的言说。
- You will see “phal” used a lot in those discussion forums. 对了,蝴蝶兰的全名(拉丁?)是Phalaenopsis。简称phal.