- Russia and the US discussed the dismantling of their nuclear weapons. 这些东西的分解需要一个很长的阶段。
- Watch a rerun of the Rockets' dismantling of the Miami Heat in Miami nearly two weeks ago. 去看看两周前火箭队在迈阿密热火队的主场肢解对手的比赛录像吧。
- I'll cry and quarrel every night without any sleep.A bottle of shutter,a piece of marline ... 我就要哭,我就要闹,一宿一宿不睡觉,手里拿瓶安眠药,拿根小绳要上吊。再丑也要谈恋爱,谈到世界充满爱。
- The proposed works involve the construction, operation, maintenance, and dismantling of a wind monitoring station. 工程涉及兴建、运作、维修及拆卸一座测风站。
- We have been occupying with demolition, dismantling of scrap and over age vessels ships cargoes. 我们已占领的拆除,拆除废料和船只岁以上的船舶货物。
- The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday. 昨天拆除核后处理工厂引起了放射物泄漏。
- The safe shutter of socket is indispensable, you should choose to contain the product of shutter as far as possible when choosing socket. 插座的安全保护门是必不可少的,您在挑选插座的时候应尽量选择带有保护门的产品。
- Shejielitear dismantling of the skirt, despair and paralysis on the ground crying. 她竭力撕撤着裙子,瘫在地上绝望地哭了。
- The dismantling of the Maoist edifice after the Chairman's death in 1976 began more by stealth. 在毛本人在1976年去世后,对其政治遗产的清算已悄然开始。
- Diurnal sunlight has metrical ground to project through the adjustment of shutter shade come in, pure and fresh and delightful. 白天的日光透过百叶窗帘的调节有韵律地投射进来,清新宜人。
- The dismantling of the Maoist edifice after the Chairman's death in 1976 began more by stealth . 在毛泽东主席1976年去世后,废除毛派体系的活动便悄然开始了。
- I'll cry and quarrel every night without any sleep.A bottle of shutter,a piece of marline,which would take to see the God. 我就要哭,我就要闹,一宿一宿不睡觉,手里拿瓶安眠药,拿根小绳要上吊。
- Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev informed the United States that he had ordered the dismantling of Soviet missile bases in Cuba. 年的这一天,前苏共中央第一书记赫鲁晓夫通知美国,他已下令关闭苏联在古巴的导弹基地。
- Lee and other key executives stepped down, the group announced a series of reforms, including the dismantling of the strategic-planning office. 当时在李健熙与其他重要高管宣布辞职后,三星集团宣布了系列调整计划,其中就包括撤销战略企划部。
- When it comes to digital photography a tripod is a must, especially when using the lower end cameras which tend to show more noticeable signs of shutter lag. 对于数码照相来讲,三脚架更是必需的,特别是使用低端照相机又希望得到更多的快门滞后的清晰画面时。
- Others took advantage of the state-asset fire sale that came with the dismantling of centrally planned economies and are now quietly powerful players. 还有些人则乘计划经济崩溃的东风发了一笔国难财,继续着权力游戏。
- Peace within translates into peace without, and will one day lead to the dismantling of your warfare machines global wide. 内在和平转译为外在和平,某天将引起你们全球战争机器的拆除。
- Street forced the dismantling of the housing, but the problem of rehousing discipline. 83 households in Handongxiyue Lane looking to locate it. 拆迁户被迫拆除了房屋,但安置问题却无人过问。83户居民只好在寒冬腊月里四处寻找落脚之处。
- It features auto-focusing from 50mm up and autoexposure and can capture video at 30 frames per second in 24-bit color and use a variety of shutter speeds. 他拥有自动对焦和自动曝光,能够撷取每秒30张24 bit颜色的视讯和使用一种快门的速度。