- The salary of a public procurator who has been dismissed from the post shall at the same time be reduced and his or her grade be demoted. 受撤职处分的,同时降低工资和等级。
- The post office is just across from the club. 邮局就在那俱乐部对面。
- The sanctions include: a disciplinary warning, a demerit recorded, a grave demerit recorded, demotion, dismissal from the post and discharge from public employment. 第三十五条处分分为:警告、记过、记大过、降级、撤职、开除。
- He was dismissed from the oil refinery. 他被那家炼油厂解雇了。
- He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. 他一周之後出院了。
- My house is two doors down from the Post Office. 过了邮局再走两家就是我家了。
- The two workers are dismissed from the factory by the same token. 那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。
- If you violate the rules here, we shall have to dismiss you from the post. 如果你违反了这里的规定,我们将不得不开除你。
- No, it is just across from the post office. 不远,就在邮局对过。
- Before the Long March,because of his opposition to dogmatism in the military command,he was wrongly dismissed from the post of chief of the general staff and demoted to chief of staff of the Fifth Army Group of the Chinese Workers'and Peasants'Red Army. 长征开始前,他因反对军事指挥上的教条主义,被错误地撤销了总参谋长的职务,到五军团去当参谋长。
- The child was dismissed from the room. 这个孩子被允许离开房间。
- The child was dismissed from the room . 这个孩子被允许离开房间。
- The judge shall dismiss from the ring any shy or vicious Giant Schnauzer. 裁判将开除任何对胆怯的狗和凶恶的狗。
- How do I get from the school to the post office? 从学校到邮局怎么走?
- The post office is just across from the bank. 邮局就在银行的对面。
- How far is it from the shop to the post office? 这家商店离邮局有多远?
- The two workers were dismissed from the factory by the same token. 那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。
- The post office is very near from the school. 邮局离学校很近。
- All-round heavenly Father, the sound from the Gethsemane ,that it sounds as if, oh the father , if you are willing, dismiss from this cup . 全能天父,听来自客西马尼的声音,啊爸,如果你愿意,就把这杯撤去。
- The judge shall dismiss from the ring any Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is excessively shy. 裁判通常会将过分羞怯的宾波基犬请出比赛场地。