- All the things in my hand seem disorderly and unsystematic. 手头的事情又总是纷繁复杂,理不出个头绪来。
- With proper and particular design, the small structures will not make you feel disorderly and unsystematic. 因而,独立在建筑物主体之外的小构筑物就不可避免地产生了。
- Meanwhile, most of the buildings were designed in single without taking conforming to the urban space into consideration, which leads to the disorderly and unsystematic environment in the city. 而与此同时,城市里的建筑大都是以单体的形式完成的,没有完全考虑到与城市空间的整合,因此城市环境是杂乱无章的。
- disorderly and unsystematic; disorganized 杂乱无章
- disorderly and unsystematic; confused and disorderly; chaotic 杂乱无章
- In any case, its grammar was largely uncodified and unsystematized. 在任何情况下,它的语法都在很大程度上没有被编纂整理和系统化。
- He was run in for drunk and disorderly behaviour. 他因酗酒滋事而被拘留。
- Newly built high-rise buildings have replaced disorderly and shabby houses that used to line many roads. This is the third shining point of Beijing. 走在宽阔、平坦的马路上,两边昔日破旧、杂乱无章的小平房不见了,取而代之是幢幢漂亮的高楼,形成了京城的第三个亮点。
- However, in China, research in vocabulary learning and teaching is rather weak and unsystematic. 然而,目前国内对英语词汇教与学的研究还很薄弱、零散。
- PLAYER), you have failed because you are disorderly and entertain too many notions in your domain. I will not tolerate your ambivalence forever. 因为你不遵循秩序,在你的领土上有过多的靡烂生活与自作主张的行为,所以,你最终失败了。我可以原谅你一次,但我不会永远对你的亦正亦邪容忍下去。
- With proper and particular design, the small structures will not make you feel disorderly and unsystematic.They may be attractive features instead. 这些小构筑物,如果在设计时考虑周全,处理得当,不仅不会令人有杂乱无章的感觉,反而会给整个地段添加新的亮点。
- No plan orientation, will inevitably land in the Business disorderly and blind state, and the possibility of lopsided development. 没有计划导向,土地运营必然会处于无序和盲目状态,并且有可能畸形发展。
- We will firmly improve public security and the environment which is polluted, disorderly and poor in some places in an effort to build more civilized villages, towns and cities. 坚决治理一些地方社会治安不好和环境脏、乱、差的状况,创建更多的文明村镇和文明城市。
- The findings in this aspect include Trilling's critical manners, critical plot, paradoxical and unsystematic features of his critical discourse. 特里林文化批评的话语特征体现在批评风度、批评的情节以及批评话语的悖论性、零散性等三个方面。
- This variety not only give artists a wide space to creat modern ceramic art freely, but also make this creating a bit disorder and unsystematic. 这种审美的多元性在给现代陶艺创造了一个自由发挥空间的同时,也使其创作有些杂乱无章。
- And the criminal law provides scarce and unsystematic protection of the right to privacy as a result of our insufficient attention paid to the problem. 然而在刑法领域中,对于隐私权研究却不得不承认是一个“冷点”。
- We were charged with being drunk and disorderly. 我们被控酗酒和妨害治安。
- The Chinese Buddhist system has always been sluggish and unsystematic in its development, resulting often in the Sinicization of the system. 中国佛教的制度建设往往具有滞后性与非系统性。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- The two characteristics of his recognition about the political parties and the relative politics are fragmentary and unsystematic, which is contradictory . 章太炎对政党和政党政治的认识有两个特点 :一是零碎 ,不系统 ,二是前后矛盾。