- One should do one's best for the revolution. 一个人应该为革命尽力。
- Happiness consists in trying to do one's duty. 幸福在于履行自己的责任。
- Can only do one thing: define groups. 只能做一件事情:定义组。
- That left just 27 days for IMG's bid to be costed and guaranteed. 这样IMG为他们的报价进行估算和寻找担保的时间只剩下27天了。
- Do one of you guys mind changing the channel? 能不能换一下台啊?
- Does this lid screw on, or does one press it down? 这个盖子是拧的还是按的?
- I can only do one thing at a time. 我一次只能做一件事。
- One should do one's best at all times. 一个人无论何时都应尽力。
- One should do one's best to serve the people. 人人都应尽最大努力为人民服务。
- Pope John PaulI II's bid to become a saint is getting some help from is nun. 罗马教皇约翰?保罗二世成为圣人的遗愿得到这位修女的帮助。
- And you've got to do one more thing. 而且你还要做一件事。
- EVELYN: Do one thing for me, before you go. 伊夫林:在你走之前为我做一件事情。
- Prepared to accept a challenge and do one's best. 奋发准备接受挑战并尽最大努力
- Do one day write 20 estreat what feeling? 一天写20篇摘抄什么感觉?
- The vice-president and numerous ministers and MPs are Baganda, along with many civil servants doing the NRM's bidding. 副总统以及众多部长、议员都来自巴干达,还有大批公务员一起为NRM效力。
- To do one thing well is a worthy ambition. 把一件事做好,这就是一个有价值的雄心。
- The problem of Genco’s bidding strategy has become a hot issue of electric power market research. 发电商策略性投标问题成为电力市场研究的热点。
- How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace? 怎样才能获准进入白金汉宫?
- Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事情,并且要做到最好!
- That is expected to happen this week which will in turn speed up Mourinho’s bid for Alves. 这预计将会在本周内发生;并可能会加速穆里尼奥为阿尔维斯开价.