- Generally, therefore, courts rely on deferential scope-of-review principles, rather than application's of the doctrine of unreviewability, as the preferred tool for separating the administrative from the judicial spheres of responsibility. 所以,一般而言,法院依赖于尊重性的复审范围原则而拒绝适用不可复审理论,并将此作为优先选择手段用以区分行政和司法的责任领域。
- Our teacher has a high degree of responsibility. 我们老师有高度的责任感。
- He is free from any sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。
- This is the doctrine of the nominalist party. 这是唯名主义学派的学说。
- Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination. 信仰宿命论的,依据宿命论的相信宿命论教义的或以宿命论教义为基础的
- An adherent of the doctrine of illusionism. 物质世界幻觉论者相信物质世界幻觉论的信徒
- The doctrine of purposelessness in nature. 无目的论认为自然界毫无目的可言的理论
- By virtue of sense of responsibility the employees worked overtime. 由于负责,雇员们加班工作。
- One who believes in the doctrine of mechanism. 机械论者持机械论观点的人
- It was contrary to every doctrine of her belief. 那是与她的信条格格不入的。
- Childhood hardships matured in him a precocious sense of responsibility. 童年的艰苦生活使他提早形成了一种过早具有的责任感。
- The church teaches the doctrine of free will. 该教会信奉自由意志的教义。
- One who believes in the doctrine of predestination. 宿命论者相信宿命论的人
- She managed to divest herself of responsibility. 她企图推卸自己的责任。
- Both developed doctrine of prosody. 他们作诗都有自己的理论。
- This is the doctrine of Justification by Faith. 这就是因信称义的教义。
- He had no sense of responsibility to speak of. 他毫无责任心可言。
- This is the 'doctrine' of the Great Recluse. 这是大沙门的教旨。
- The beliefs, practices, or doctrine of an iconoclast. 反对传统、毁坏偶像的思想、行为或主义
- It was a shocking abdication of responsibility. 这是一种令人震惊的不负责任。