- He got a lot of dope from the secretary. 他从秘书那里获得许多内部消息。
- Andy said she would give me the live dope. 安迪说她可以向我提供最新的内部消息。
- He is badly beat up by a gang of thug. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。
- The gang knocked over a jewelry store. 这伙歹徒抢劫了一家珠宝店。
- He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。
- I want the dope on his criminal connections. 我想知道他私通的内情。
- The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。
- He is the front man for a criminal gang. 他为一个犯罪集团作掩护。
- You've got the picture upside-down, you dope! 你把画挂倒了,你这笨蛋!
- The police found the dope when they made the pinch. 警察搜捕时发现了毒品。
- The gang jumped an old woman in the subway. 一伙歹徒在地下人行道突然袭击一老妇人。
- He was arrested for selling dope. 他因贩毒被逮捕。
- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 几家大公司串通一气抬高物价。
- Give me all the dope on the new teacher. 把新来的老师的情况全都告诉我。
- His association with the gang brought him into disrepute. 他同这个帮派的联系使他名誉扫地。
- That tall criminal is branded as the chieftain of the gang. 那个高个子罪犯被确认为是这帮人的头目。
- The gang smuggled weapons into that country. 这帮人将武器走私到该国。
- The detective tried to dope out why the man was murdered. 侦探们试图搞清那人被害的原因。
- A gang of perverts often gather in this bar. 一帮性变态者经常在那个酒吧聚集。
- It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank. 据报这伙匪徒在银行里有内应。