- When shall I see the doping test report? 我什么时候能够看兴奋剂检查报告?
- Landis's positive doping test was valid. 兰迪斯的兴奋剂检测是有效的。
- Maradona faces World Cup Ban after positive dope test. 马拉多纳在兴奋剂检查呈阳性反应后,面临世界杯禁赛的处罚。
- B:Thank you for your congratulations. Who will take the doping test? 谢谢。哪些人要接受兴奋剂检查?
- She was disqualified from competing for a year after failing a dope test. 因未能通过药检,她被取消比赛资格一年。
- The athlete failed a dope test(= a medical test showed that he had taken such drugs). 这个运动员未能通过药检。
- That test was his second positive doping test, which usually triggers a lifetime ban. 这项测试是他的第二个积极禁药检验,通常引发了终身禁令。
- As for the team events, one or a number of competitors from all the teams selected by lots shall take the doping test. 在集体项目中,从各队中以抽签方式决定抽查一至数人。
- Those breaking the world,the continental,the national and the games record must take the doping test. 凡破世界纪录、洲纪录、全国纪录或运动会记录者都必须接受兴奋剂检查。16脚踝受伤What seems to be the matter?
- Experimental results show that the interface of DSO parameter measurements is able to realize graphic display.Hence, it would facilitate the testing staff to check the needed data quickly. 实验表明,DSO参数测量的界面能够实现图形化显示,方便测试人员快速查看所需数据。
- The Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld previous rulings.Landis's positive doping test was valid. 体育仲裁法庭裁定维持原判,兰迪斯尿检为阳性的检测结果被认为是真实有效的。
- The detection of 16-hydroxy dihydrotestosterone can be used in doping testing to control the abuse of dihydrotestostrone. 通过检测这个代谢物,可以有效地控制兴奋剂双氢睾酮的滥用。
- I am a Doping Control Officer.You have been selected to receive the doping test. 我是兴奋剂检察官。我正式通知你被挑选接受兴奋剂检查。
- According to reports, Jamaica last year's IAAF out-of-competition doping test frequency, the world's fifth more. 据报道,牙买加去年接受的国际田联赛外药检次数,是世界第五多的。
- An Indian woman weightlifter was withdrawn from the Beijing Olympics Thursday after she failed a dope test. 7日,一名印度女子举重运动员因未通过兴奋剂检测被该国代表团召回。
- This is the second controversy to hit Indian athletes within a month - female shot putter Seema Antil was withdrawn from the Asian Games she failed a pre-competition dope test. 这是一个月内印度运动员遭到的第二重打击,他们的铅球女将安蒂尔因为赛前的药检呈阳性而退出了亚运会。
- He got a lot of dope from the secretary. 他从秘书那里获得许多内部消息。
- One or a number of the winners (the first eight competitors in the finals) of all events selected by lots shall take the doping test. 从各项目的优胜者(如决赛前八名)中,以抽签方式决定抽查一至数人。
- The winners of all events must take the doping test and those from the second to eighth places shall do so subject to selection. 各项目的第一名必须接受兴奋剂检查,二至八名抽查。
- Dope test officials of the Beijing Olympic Games are volunters chosen by the China Anti-Doping Agency,most of them are doctors. 北京奥运会中的兴奋剂检查官是由中国反兴奋剂中心挑选出的志愿者,大多数是医生。