- dual-purpose drill (平播与沟播)两用条播机
- Morse taper shank twist ̄drill莫氏锥柄麻花钻头
- spring-loaded drill colter (条播机的)弹簧加力开沟器
- combined grain drill(hoe type) (锄铲式)联合谷物播种机
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- Cu-InCu-In
- DST (Drill-Stem-Test),即中途测试,是指油井在钻井过程中,对有油气显示的地层进行快速测试。DST (Drill Stem Test), a fast test for show of oil and gas while drilling.
- IN环IN-rings
- IN陶瓷aluminium nitride
- In组分indium content
- 主IN环principal IN-rings
- In掺杂In dopant
- In填充In filling
- In分凝In segregation
- In-掺杂In-doping
- 介词inthe preposition IN
- In(OH)3In(OH)3
- In-CeramIn-Ceram
- Zn-In合金Zn-In alloy