
[ɪə(r)]     [ɪr]    
  • n. 听觉;耳朵;倾听
  • n. 麦穗
  • vi. 抽穗
earless eared eared earing ears



n. (名词)
  1. 耳,耳朵,耳子
  2. 听觉,听力,辨音力
  3. 耳状物
  4. 注意,倾听
  5. 穗,麦穗
  6. 音感
  7. 捏把
  8. 灯花
  9. 全神贯注地听,聚精会神地听
v. (动词)
  1. 抽穗


n. (名词)
  1. [C]耳,耳朵 either of the two organs by which people or animals hear, each side of the head
  2. [S]听力 keen recognition of sounds, especially in music or languages
  3. [S]倾听; 注意 sympathetic attention
  4. [C]穗 the head of a grain-producing plant, used for food


  1. the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium

  2. good hearing;

    "he had a keen ear"
    "a good ear for pitch"

  3. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear

  4. attention to what is said;

    "he tried to get her ear"

  5. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn



用作名词 (n.)
  1. She plays the piano entirely by ear.
  2. If this news ever reaches her ears, she'll be furious.
  3. He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak.
  4. The dog's ear pricked up at the sound.
  5. He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient.
  6. They bent an ear to our request for aid.
用作名词 (n.)
  1. Some people like eating the ear of wheat.
用作不及物动词 (vi.)
  1. The corn will soon ear.
  2. Soon the seedings shot up and began to ear.


用作名词 (n.)
a word in sb's ear
    〈非正式〉悄悄话,耳语 a private talk
about one's ears
    彻底地,猛烈地 all round one
be all ears
    全神贯注地听着,专心倾听 listen eagerly
bring sth (down) about one's ears
    失败,毁灭;(希望、计划等)落空 to or into complete collaps, defeat, or ruin; to the destruction of a person's plans, hopes, etc.
box sb's ears
    打…耳光 slap sb on the side of the head
bring a storm about sb's ears
    引起对某人的强烈反感〔愤怒〕 cause sb to be very tiresome or angry
come out of one's ears
    大量 be in great excess
come to〔reach〕 one's ears
    让…听到 be made aware of
fall on deaf ears
    未受到重视; 未被理睬,不被听取 not be mentioned
fall on one's ears
    听起来 sound
gain the ear of
    得到某人的注意 get sb to listen to one
give (an) ear to
    倾听,注意 listen; pay attention to
give one's ears
    不惜任何代价(要) make great personal sacrifice for; pay any price for
give sb a thick ear
    打…耳光 slap sb on the side of the head
go in one ear and out of the other
    左耳进,右耳出; 只当耳旁风 be not really listening
have long ears
    爱打听别人的事情 be inquisitive
have one's ears burning
    耳朵发热 be the subject of conversation
have the ear of
    (意见、看法等)得到某人重视; 被某人听取和接受 (ideas, opinions etc.) are respected by sb
lend an ear
    细听,倾听 listen attentively
on one's ear
    轻率 hurriedly
play by ear
    凭听觉而不是识谱来演奏音乐 play a tune which one has heard, remembered, or invented but not seen written in notes
    play by ear

    I could play by ear.


    No one could play by ear.


    play sth by ear

    I can play the piano by ear, but I regret now that I never learned to read music properly.


play it by ear
    见机行事 judge the correct way to deal with sth as it happens, without fixed plans in advance
prick up one's ears
    立刻竖起耳朵仔细听 suddenly start listening carefully
ring in one's ears
    言犹在耳 sound like a bell in (a space)
set by the ears
    使争吵不休 lead to disharmony among people
    set sb by the ears

    The mere mention of the subject set the whole company by the ears.


    Trying to agree where to go on holiday set the family by the ears.


shut one's ears to
    对…充耳不闻 pretend not to hear
strain one's ears
    尽力倾听 try one's best to listen
throw out on sb's ear
    不客气地把某人打发走 forcibly eject sb
    throw sb out on sb's ear

    The drunk was making a nuisance of himself and so the manager threw him out on his ear.


turn a deaf ear to
    置若罔闻,装没听到 pay no attention to; pretend not to hear
up to one's ears
    深深卷入 overwhelmed with
wet behind the ears
    少不更事,无所适从 inexperienced
with half an ear
    不专心(听) listen inattentively


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词


  • Rumours have come to my ears.

    出自: H. C. Jackson
  • The summons in our ears was shrill.

    出自: W. N. Hodgson
  • He listened to their difficulties with an impatient ear.

    出自: fig.
  • The little corn that had been planted withered before it came to an ear.

    出自: R. Graves
  • The Sea..which they ear and wound With keels.

    出自:Anthony Cleopatra , Shakespeare





目录 查词历史