- The Sumerians - the first cultural group to reside in Mesopotamia - left dream records dating back to 3100 BC. 闪族人-最初的文化群体居住在美索不达米亚-留下了梦的记录追溯到公元前3100年。
- In 21th century, the civil rights in China will be greatly developing in economic cultural rights, political righ ts, social rights and rights legal systems, etc. 在21世纪,我国公民的权利将在经济文化权利的充实、政治权利的飞跃、社会权力的生成、权利法制的完善等方面得到重大发展。
- People who share the same culture form a culture group. 文化同根同源就组成一个文化群体。
- The Philharmonic is the first major American cultural group to perform in the country and the largest delegation from the United States to visit its longtime foe. 纽约交响乐团是第一个在朝鲜演出的美国大型文化团体,且是美国访问长期敌对国家的最大代表团。
- But the agriculture economic cultural extremely flourishing China region, also the some complement of the economy culture of the need nomad"s way of life. 而农耕经济文化极为发达的中原地区,同时也需求游牧经济文化的某些补充。
- The dominant culture group in the United States is British Americans. 在美国处于主导地位的文化群体是英裔美国人。
- The minor culture groups are called subcultures. 少数民族文化群称为亚文化群。
- If you study a culture group's way of life you are studying its culture. 当在研究学习一个文化群体的生活方式时,你是在学习其文化。
- Convenient transportation location, easily to the airport, bus station, ferry or the economic culture center. 交通便利,能直达机场、车站、港口或经济文化中心。
- On the course of its growth, this section reconstructed the goals and targets, mechanical construction and metabolism of NCBRAS, from one amateur cultural group to the cynosure one of Shanghai. 发展历程则详细回顾了该会的宗旨、行动目标、组织机构的建立与发展,从一个业余文化团体到“上海的一盏明灯”的演变历程。
- And some of the SAP schools have regular activities which involve the minority cultural groups. 有些特选学校举办有少数种族文化团体参与的定期活动。
- A condition of society in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups coexist within one nation. 多元化的社会形态许多不同的民族、宗教或文化群体共存于一个国家的社会状况
- BAMC Entertainment Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary company of Beijing All Media and Culture Group Co., Ltd. 北京北广传媒影视有限公司是从事影视生产及演出项目经营的专业性公司。
- For example, Catholic High School regularly invites Malay and Indian cultural groups to perform or to give talks during appropriate festivals. 譬如,公教中学就时常邀请马来和印度文化团体在适当的节日里到校内演出或举行讲座。
- Whole system performing arts and cultural groups perform 218 field, performing arts venues 247 art performance market. 全年文化系统内艺术表演团体演出218场,艺术表演场所艺术演出247场。
- It is the recreation of art and self-multiplication of culture, and is the prologue of assimilating world performed by the national culture in the context of globalization and the new growth point of economic culture development. 敦煌艺术再生,既是艺术的再创造和文化的自我增值,是民族文化在全球化背景下“化全球”的先声,同时也是经济文化发展的新的增长点。
- Workers must respond specifically and sensitively to the various cultural groups affected by adisaster. 救助人员在帮助灾民时须特别注意不同文化群体的特质。
- By prolonging the agony of the capitalist regime, the Social Democracy leads only to the further decline of economic culture, to the disorganization of the proletariat, to social gangrene. 为了延长资产阶级政权的苦恼,社会民主党只能导向经济文化的进一步衰落、无产阶级的瓦解和社会糜烂。
- This principle is especially important when dealing with the heritage of indigenous peoples or local cultural groups. 这一原则在处理当地人民和地方文化团体的遗产时特别重要。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。