- Continuous hot dip galvanizing line is a biggish electrical control project which is complex for control logic. 连续热镀锌生产线是较大型的电气控制项目,控制逻辑较为复杂。
- Electric control system of fiber drying section DK. 纤维干燥工段电控系统。
- Electric control system of sanding section DK. 砂光工段电控系统。
- Interface defines the control logic of an application. 接口定义了应用程序的控制逻辑。
- Therefore, in recent years, much attention of the electric power dispatching automation has been drawed to control performance assessing standard and control logic of AGC. 本论文紧紧围绕这一具有重要现实意义的课题展开了全面的研究和讨论。
- Electric control for glue mixing and applying system DK. 调胶施胶工段电控系统。
- A hardware pattern in which diode leads may be inserted to change solid-state control logic. 可用插入二极管引线来改变固态控制逻辑的一种硬件设计。
- Electric control system of chips preparation and sifting secton DK. 木片制备及筛选工段电控系统。
- And the control logic of FPGA, image access via DMA are analyzed in detail. 并详细讨论了FPGA的控制逻辑,DMA图像存取等工作原理。
- Electric control jacking beam, push bottom type. Easy operation. 标配带保险装置的电动液压二次举升小车,由按键控制,方便操作;
- This paper deals with 5kW 12/8 Switched Reluctance Motor(SRM) drive system for Electric Vehicle(EV). Considering the characteristics of EV,the control logic for four-quadrant operation is ascertained. 设计了5kW电动车辆用的12/8极开关磁阻电机(Switched Reluctance Motor,简称SRM)驱动系统,同时结合电动车辆驱动要求,确定了四象限运行的控制逻辑;
- This electric control system is used for harmonizing various units to work. 本机电气控制部分用于实现各个装置的协调工作。
- On the File menu, point to New, point to Maps and Floor Plans, and then click HVAC Control Logic Diagram. 在“文件”菜单上,依次指向“新建”和“地图和平面布置图”,然后单击“HVAC控制逻辑图”。
- Mainly by modifying the control logic of the burner management system (BMS), the defects of the system are redeemed to enable its reliable operation. 通过修改锅炉燃烧器管理系统(BMS)的控制逻辑和增加保护的投入,弥补了系统的缺陷,保证灭火保护系统安全可靠地投入使用。
- An Electric Control Coupling Device provides 4WD-Auto, 4WD-Lock, and 2WD modes. 电动控制耦合器件提供四轮驱动,汽车,四轮驱动,锁,2WD模式。
- According to experience of maintenance in BMS,give optimized scheme in control logic. 根据BMS系统的维护经验 ,提出了控制逻辑的优化方案
- PLC was applied to rebuilt the electric control system for DF 5 locomotive. 应用PLC改造东风5型机车电气控制系统。
- It is important to develop the ABS ECU, study the control algorithm of ABS, and validate control logic of existing ECU. 它对于ABS ECU的开发、ABS逻辑的研究、验证ECU控制策略的合理性及实用性都是很有效的工具。
- To improve data transmission rate of JTAG interface, instruction register and related control logic are redesigned. 为了提高JTAG接口的数据传输效率,指令寄存器和相关控制逻辑被重新设计。