- The first day of the year in Chinese lunar calendar. it is changed every year in luni-solar calendar. Oftenly around valentine"s day in Febrary. 春节。中国节日中最重要的一个。是中国农历的第一天。按阳历算,每年都不一样,大概到2月分的情人节左右。
- My wife murmurs the same thing day in and day out. 我妻子天天喋喋不休地重复同样的话。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。
- In Iran, New Year\'s Day is called No-Ruz. 在伊朗,新年被称作诺鲁兹节,始于3月21日,持续十三天。
- The cricketers trooped off the field at the end of a long day in the sun. 板球队员们在太阳下练一整天,天黑时结队离开球场。
- The tragedy took place one day in September. 这一惨案发生在9月的某一天。
- If you keep trying, you'll have your day in court. 如果你继续努力的话,你会得到陈述自己见解的机会的。
- He'll come to a bad end one of these days. 他总有一天会遭到恶报的。
- Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? 那个国家的人过圣诞节吗?
- One day in May,she met a young man. 五月的某一天,她遇见一位年轻人。
- Goodsense will always win the day in the end. 有理智的人最后总是赢家。
- Thus ended one man's sojourn in this world. 一个人羁留尘世的生涯结束了。
- It 's my last day in this apartment. 今天是住在这公寓的最后一天了。
- Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. 每个被告都有机会出庭答辩
- A person singled out especially as one's sweetheart on Saint Valentine 's Day . 现在,情人节在中国青年人中间也得到了同样程度的普及。
- It's my last day in this apartment. 今天是住在这公寓的最后一天了。
- Day in , day out, the food was the same. 食物天天都是一个样。
- HOWARD'S END One of the best stories in the league has been the good health on the Houston Rockets. Well, at least, for one player, Juwan Howard. 火箭有一个球员之健康联盟传为佳话。霍华德也。
- I had a hectic day in the office. 我在办公室里忙乱了一天。
- On New Year' s Day the streets look very gay. 元旦街上喜气洋洋。