- Free from worry or care; cheerful. 无忧无虑的;欢跃的
- Not everybody is a sage. Who can be entirely free from error? 人非圣贤,孰能无过?
- Indeed, it is rare to find one who is entirely free from all taint of self-seeking. 又因为少有人能完全自由,不被自爱的污情扰乱的。
- It is attracted to the consciousness that is free from worry, strain, and tension. 能从担忧、压力和紧张中解脱出来的潜意识总是能将它吸引到身边。)
- I shall not inquire whether he may not at times tease her with some little jealousies;as I know, that, were I in his place, I should not be entirely free from such sensations. 至于他是否有时因为小小的醋意使她苦恼过,眼下我还拿不准,至少,如果我处在他的位置上,在妒忌这个魔鬼面前是不会完全无动于衷的。
- After coming to an end, preterhuman feel the whole body is free from worry, it is again comfortable really also did not pass. 完事之后,超人觉得全身愉快,真是再舒适也不过了。
- A man should also have more than one hideout before he thinks himself free from worry or danger.So let me dig some other hideouts for you. 人也一样,如果没有几个退避之处,怎能心安理得地过舒服日子呢?所以.让我再去替您掘几个洞穴吧!”
- That devotee of Mine who is desireless, pure, expert, free from worry, free from agitation, unconcerned with any mundane endeavor, such a one is very dear to Me. 无欲无求,纯粹,专心,无忧无虑,不被烦扰,不关心世俗的纷争,这样的皈依者对“我”来说是非常宝贵和亲爱的。
- And the billabong handle of new design makes strong water form becomes follow one's inclinations, design of all these style makes water bath more free from worry and satisfied. 而新设计的分流把手使得冲水形式变得随心所欲,这一切时尚设计使得水浴更加愉快和舒服。
- Now you can enjoy a life free from worries and cares. 现在你可以亨福了。
- The bedroom is the place that Morpheus rests, indoor afforest should rise elegant clean, halcyon, free from worry wait for action. 卧室是睡眠休息的场所,室内绿化应起到雅洁、宁静、愉快等作用。
- Because had smooth effect, the family just fills sweet, free from worry, air clever, lively, just individualize the atmosphere that change. 因为有了光效应,家庭才布满温馨、愉快、空灵、活泼,才有个性化的氛围。
- Freed from worry by low expectations, my credibility bolstered by several helpful endorsements, I threw myself into the race with an energy and joy that I'd thought I had lost. 不去想我的机会有多渺茫,我的威信得益于一些肯定和认可,我将原本已失去的激情和快乐的自己投入到竞选中。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- He leads a life (which is) free from care. 他过着无忧无虑的生活。
- Bangladesh was finally free from smallpox. 孟加拉终于摆脱了天花。
- Only a worm is free from the worry of stumbling. 只有小爬虫不必担心摔倒。
- People in there are free from want and fear. 生活在那里的人民可免于匮乏及恐惧。
- Finally the donkey found himself entirely free of loads. 最后驴身上空无一物。
- Television is my escape from worry. 电视是我逃避现实的方法