- That is a beautiful etching of a bird. 那是一只鸟的漂亮的蚀刻画。
- It is this molecular motion that we call heat. 就是这种分子运动我们称之为热。
- Magnetism is considered as a molecular phenomenon. 电磁被认为是一种分子运动。
- A plasma globulin of high molecular weight. 大球蛋白细胞分子中较重的血球蛋白
- Hanging on the wall was a fine etching of the church. 挂在墙上的是一幅精致的教堂蚀刻板画。
- Look at this glass etching of the Little Mermaid. 看这件刻有小美人鱼的玻璃器皿。
- The artist is etching a picture on a metal plate. 艺术家正在金属板上蚀刻作画。
- It must have taken a lot of time to etch that. 蚀刻这个图案一定花了不少时间。
- We think of magnetism as a molecular phenomenon. 我们认为电磁是一种分子现象。
- An etching made by this process. 细点腐蚀制板法的过程
- I plant mainly in metal etching process. 我厂主要以金属蚀刻加工。
- S.Olympic Committee.She made a keepsake etching. 她另外请人刻了一块留作纪念。
- She soaked the etching in an acid bath. 她将铜版画浸入到酸性溶液中。
- Having an open-chain molecular structure rather than a ring-shaped structure. 无环的具有开链分子结构的,而非环状结构的
- Enzymes are large molecular weight compounds. 酶是高分子化合物。
- This book will {etch the public! 这本书将博得大众的欢迎。
- It can also perform molecular dynamics simulations. 它能也执行分子的动力学模拟。
- Etch, plana curved surface Processing Printing. 蚀刻平面,曲面印刷加工。
- This book will { etch the public! 这本书将博得大众的欢迎。
- The molecular symbol for carbon dioxide is CO2. 二氧化碳的分子式是co2。