- The chloroform solution of biodegradable poly(ether ester) poly(ethylene glycol terephthalate)/poly(butylene terephthalate)(PEGT/PBT) was nebulized to give fibers in the nitrogen current and subsequently to accumulate into non-woven scaffolds. 聚乙二醇 /聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯 (PEGT/ PBT)共聚物的氯仿溶液经高压氮气流喷丝 ;继而沉积成无纺布 .
- The main products of PET supercritical methanolysis are dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) and ethylene glycol (EG). 红外光谱检测解聚产物是纯度很高的对苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMT)单体和乙二醇。
- The main products of PET supercritical methanolysis are dimethyl terephthalate(DMT) and ethylene glycol(EG). 红外光谱检测解聚产物是纯度很高的对苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMT)单体和乙二醇。
- Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is hydrolyzed to terephthalate acid(TPA) and ethylene glycol(EG) under microwave irradiation in neutral water. 研究了微波作用下聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)的水解解聚为单体对苯二甲酸(TPA)和乙二醇(EG)的反应。
- First statement: Ethylene glycol is sweet. 第一句:甘醇是甜的。
- A substance, often a liquid such as ethylene glycol or alcohol, mixed with another liquid to lower its freezing point. 防冻剂,防冻液,抗凝剂一种物质,通常是液体,如乙二醇或酒精,和另一种液体混合来降低冰点
- DTP (Diethylene Glycol Terephthalate), as a chemical engineering raw material, is an environmental hormone too. DTP(对苯二甲酸二乙酯)也是一种环境荷尔蒙,对环境会造成污染;
- The biodegradation of polyester (PET) fiber and diethylene glycol terephthalate (DTP) are studied in this paper. 用微生物对涤纶丝和对苯二甲酸乙二酯(DTP)进行降解性能研究。
- Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is a hydrophilic polymer which has flexible long chain. 摘要聚乙二醇是一类亲水性长链聚合物。
- A compound,such as ethylene glycol,used to prevent the formation of ice,as on windshields. 防冰物质一种化合物,如乙烯,用来防止(如挡风玻璃上)结冰
- A compound, such as ethylene glycol, used to prevent the formation of ice, as on windshields. 防冰物质一种化合物,如乙烯,用来防止(如挡风玻璃上)结冰
- Five kinds of coal (GJ, KL, DT, LA and XXL) and five kinds of plastic (polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene glycol terephthalate (PET) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)) are researched by thermo-gravimeter. 对五种煤样(GJ、KL、DT、LA和XXL)和五种塑料(聚乙烯PE、聚丙烯PP、聚苯乙烯PS、聚对苯二甲酸·乙二醇酯PET和聚氯乙烯PVC)分别进行热重分析。
- The compounding and on trial comditions of ethylene glycol antimony solution were introduced. 介绍乙二醇锑溶液的配制及试用情况。
- The results showed that poly( ethylene glycol) as a phase transfer catalyst can raise the conversion. 指出聚乙二醇作为相转移催化剂可增加转化率。
- Butyl cellosolve( aka butyl glycol, ethylene glycol monobutyl) is poisonous when swallowed and a lung-tissue irritant. 丁赛路苏(碱性丁二醇、二醇单丁醚)吞食有毒,对肺组织有刺激作用。
- Glycol glucoside was prepared from glucose and ethylene glycol in the presence of acid catalyst. 在酸性催化剂下,由葡萄糖和乙二醇经缩醛化反应制备了乙二醇葡糖苷。
- Stearone glycol fumaric acid (SGF) was synthesized with maleicanhydride, cinnamyl alcohol and ethylene glycol. 由于烯二酸酐经醇解转型酯化途径合成了对皮肤无过敏反应的反丁烯二酸桂醇甘醇酯(SGF)。
- Recent advances in preparation of ethylene glycol via ethylene oxide catalytic reaction are reviewed in this paper. 摘要对环氧乙烷催化法合成乙二醇研究的最新进展作了综述。
- Butyl cellosolve (aka butyl glycol, ethylene glycol monobutyl) is poisonous when swallowed and a lung-tissue irritant. 丁赛路苏(如碱性丁二醇、乙二醇单丁醚):吞食有毒,对肺组织有刺激作用。